Obd2 is only emission related often missleading

intrade, Jun 11, 10:45pm
i am just reading a new article again confriming what i tell over and over and over.
will cut and paste the important bit as most of you seem to want to only know the fix and not how you get to fix things and cant bebothered to actuarly read a article in full.

intrade, Jun 11, 10:46pm
Smith presented a case study where a variable cooling fan set throttle body DTCs. This caused the vehicle to revert to a reduced power mode. All the possible causes for the codes stored and tests that they were instructed to perform due to those codes caused the technician to replace the electronic throttle control.

Smith also showed what a Google search found when the problem for the codes had been entered for that vehicle. It demonstrated the impact of what happens when diagnostics of the stored trouble codes are misleading. The wiring diagrams listed in the service information systems show no connection between the cooling fan and the throttle actuator, so the technician has no idea the systems are related. According to Smith, some of these issues can be addressed through an industry-wide effort to improve training and education

franc123, Jun 12, 12:47am
More like it illustrates the foolishness of DIY google or younoob diagnostics, its best to just take it to someone with access to the factory service information, guided diagnostics and bulletins, its clearly part of the ECM's operating strategy and would be documented. In theory.

bwg11, Jun 12, 1:03am
Agreed, stored generic codes can be misleading, but I would suggest this scenario is purely conjecture. Any technician would know that even though the wiring diagram shows no physical connection between the cooling fan and the throttle actuator, the operation of the cooling fan has an effect on engine temperature, the various temperature sensors communicate with the ECU, the throttle actuator also communicates with the ECU. Hello.

bigfatmat1, Jun 12, 4:09am
I disagree these are anomalies that could even relate to programming errors on a vehicle. The story is vagua and comes from world renowned technicians. They dont go into specific details. They want anomalies like this to build a database in conjunction with manufactures to help and train people. Personally I see no relationship and would like to know the test of the story. I think stating it's obvious because they are temp related. Without knowing the vehicle is a bold comment as a lot of modern throttle bodies have no relationship to coolent temp or flow as they do not have any iac valves or coolest lines to them. I would like to see the whOle case study. Bare in mind case studies are usually problems that even the best of the best struggle with.

frytime, Jun 13, 10:25pm
Random as. Can Posta link to whole story plz intrade.

intrade, Jun 21, 7:17pm
yes i can i assumed most of you wont be interested in the whole storys as you only want to know the magig stuff let ne see i had to reboot to winblows ah yea tabs reloaded all again in my linux after boot