This pertains to a LHD 1969 convertible first registered in N.Z. in mid 2009. 1/ Does the car require an exterior mirror on the RHS! 2/ Do factory installed revese lights have to work! 3/ Does it require a high stop light! Thanks in advance.
1No as LHD & manufactured before 1st Jan 2000, external LHS OR interior only. (However a broken RH mirror is a reason for rejection)
2)No they??
Jan 18, 2:42pm
I would have thought the FACTORY reversing lights would have to work as part of the WOF. If it's factory fitted then it has to work.right!
Jan 18, 2:50pm
Not when it's 'convenience' equipment as opposed to safety equipment.
Jan 18, 2:50pm
no no yes
Jan 18, 5:29pm
Nope, they are optional equipment and always have been.
Jan 18, 6:13pm
Thanks all. You have enlightened immensly and put a couple of issues to bed. Last time I was issuing WOF was when sex was safe and parachuting was dangerous. Cheers, John
Jan 18, 7:44pm
So for the reverse lights, are all private vehicles in that bracket of not needing to work! Cheers.
Jan 18, 7:54pm
From what I understand. If your reversing lights are both not working then that is ok. But if only one of the two is working then you have to get the other one put right. However correct me if I am wrong on this.
Jan 18, 8:39pm
Reverse lights are "permitted" equipment and not classed as a mandatory item, the VIRM is written in such a way as to make the differentiation quite clear.
Jan 18, 9:42pm
My '88 BMW passes WOFs without reverse lights (have also passed a very strict Pink sticker WOF like that). I just put black tape over them.if you cant see them they dont have to work.
Dec 3, 8:55pm
i have a 1990 honda civic and the revesre lights dont work will it fail a nz wof thanks
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