What the yank Shell exec said on the news

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utwo, Dec 31, 4:38am
What was the NZD/USD exchange rate then and now! Plus GST and other taxes on petrol have increased.

marte, Dec 31, 5:18am
I can buy ethanol at the supermarket for NZ$4 in a single one Litre plastic bottle.

peacebird15, Dec 31, 8:19am
IF they are smoking under load infront of you, that isnt the peasants, its your tow truck.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 10, 12:45pm
Unlikely to be the tax rate or exchange rate making that much difference. The USD/NZD exchange rate is about as favourable now as it has ever been. have a look at this http://www.dollars.com/chart/USD-NZD!period=10y