Route 66.

mokaubach, Nov 26, 5:13am
Anyone done the whole thing!, 2280 miles!, whats the best month, not too hot, not too cold!. Any experiences welcomed including must see's, must do's , thanks.

bopbargains, Nov 26, 5:30am
there is only parts of it leftnow. google willbe your friend.

rob_man, Nov 26, 5:40am
I like the area around Radiator Springs.

gmphil, Nov 26, 7:03am
LOL say hi to mater for me

peacebird15, Nov 26, 7:24am
There are some good trips, the havasupai reservation not far from peach springs is well worth the hike but possibly not in the peak season. Summer is really hot around arizona and nevada. Best to wait to after there summer holiday period, a month after should do it. Lots of great places like death valley to visit.

wellabolla, Nov 26, 9:50am
I just got back (3 weeks ago).we spent 2 days on the old route66
To be honest go and see a travel agent and get a tour with a convertible mustang or camaro.BUT you probably will be a little disappointed.its a touch overated IMHO.although there is some amazing scenery and places.brings you back to reality
of what it used to be like i guess
there summer is ending now.we left mid was warm .just right actually but remember its a huge place and the temperature can change stayed 1 night in Williams and it was like wellington.haha really cold and windy and all we had were shorts and singlets
Its a blast though.great to be home.we dont know how lucky we are.

pettal, Nov 26, 10:06am
Theres amotorbike program on Skys travel channel about about 66, well worth a look .

mokaubach, Nov 26, 6:00pm
Thanks Gavin, did you do the whole thing from Chicago to Santa Monica!, how long did you allow for the trip including detours to see attractions!

mokaubach, Nov 26, 6:01pm
Great, thanks

tortron, Nov 26, 8:08pm
I counted about 4 maters

I did from New York, to Chicago, then all of route 66 (detours for where it no longer exists, but you still can do a hell of a lot) with a detour though to the Grand Canyon.The entire thing took about 4 weeks, 3 to do just the route 66 part.I would suggest you take at least 3 weeks to do it.

I did this in June on a vstar 1300 motorcycle.Very hot, about 30 degrees Celsius the whole trip! (closer to 50 in the desert around oatman, if i had been a week later i could have joined in on the sidewalk egg fry compitition).

tortron, Nov 26, 8:12pm
I got a set of - Here it is - maps, get those and a gps program with all the points of interest (il try find the name of the one i got, it was good).I would just go through the list of stuff i wanted to see along the route, plug it in, then that would be my map for the day.

richard198, Nov 26, 8:16pm
The Rocky Mountains are much more inspirational, hence "Rocky Mountain High!"

mokaubach, Nov 27, 3:27am
Thats sounds good, interested in the GPS program, any leads as to where to find one please!.

tortron, Nov 27, 5:08am

the route 66 one

hey they just emailed me and its even on special - use the promo code 3Day2011

it was a really good addition to have, has a bit of history on all the attractions, even photos so you know what to look for

mokaubach, Nov 27, 5:25am
Thanks very much, really appreciate that.

mokaubach, Nov 27, 6:59am
Sorry, one more question, I assume I will need to download the mainland USA Maps to the device too before loading the Route 66 info! (which I have just purchased). I guess if I buy one here (Garmin GPS) , it will only have NZ & Aust maps!.

tortron, Nov 27, 10:01pm
yea thats right

cabrio1, Nov 28, 5:11am
I did this trip several times years ago. We got a deal where you pick up a car and deliver it across country. Free car you just pay gas. They give you 8 days to get there. We had a few " problems" with the car, took a detour via mexico delivered it 4 days late!.
Its a great trip just have an open mind and a liking for country and western, thats all you find on the radio for about 1500 miles.

mopar63, Nov 28, 5:18am
just reading the book about it that Billy Connelly wrote while filming it for tv ,he did it on a trike, seemed quite goodyou'd have to read the book, also read a great book from the library on the Lincoln Highway,think I'd like to do that one day

mokaubach, Nov 28, 6:12am
Yep, I bought Billys DVD on Route 66, he's a great travel host.

mokaubach, Nov 29, 4:50am
Bumped for any more comments.

the-lada-dude, Nov 29, 7:11pm
yep there was a g8 tv program on the 66 many years ago.mmmm. maybe,16 yrs ago. you might be able to track it down !
talking about tracks, the yanks have hundreds of miles of disused railway track, some are now walkways.
always remember an old charlie chapman film, where he drives up to railway X ing in old car, jumps out pulls tires off the rims and promptly drives car onto lines and motors on down the track !Hmmmvery tempting

mokaubach, Dec 2, 7:39am
Just finished watching Billy's DVD on R66, brilliant!,

trogedon, Apr 24, 2:03pm
On a related topic; here some cool shots of old Hollywood, an excellent song and excellent singer.!v=HO1OV5B_JDw