2003 TL1000R Where else can I look for one!

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trogedon, Dec 2, 7:36am
Or even 'wives' ! The S wasn't so bad - it just wasn??

guider1, Dec 2, 8:22pm
Yuck.! Owned the 2000 model TLR for a mere 3000km; hated the thing, wish i'd never bought it. Couldnt even sell the thing for good money with 3000km on it, lost $11k! Ok if you dont mind vibrations, insane engine heat blowing up onto you & bad handling characteristics I guess. It would be THE worst bike i've ever ridden personally.

12rider, Dec 2, 9:31pm
Talk to Nick in "Sales" at Red Baron in Auckland - 09 360 7700, if they haven't got anything in stock they'll simply source you the right bike in Japan. Problem solved

It begs the question - why the "R" specifically. I.M.H.O the "S" is a much nicer bike (I've owned & raced both)

Good luck with your search

027 242 7639 if you are in need of any advice regarding the purchase - there are a few things you need to be sure of with either model


demack, Apr 25, 11:17pm
Thanks Heaps 12rider,
He has also owned and raced both but likes the R better
I have found one in the States and if that falls through I will ring Nick.I see they have a 1998 in stock
Thanks Again