Approximate cost!

candii06, Dec 1, 10:07am
Thanks for the replies to my other thread guys.

My car has no key. Anyone know the approximate cost to get a key made from the door lock barrel on a old basic 1994 mazda ms-8 efini!

Any advice from locksmiths or people in the know appreciated :) :)

ginga4lyfe, Dec 1, 10:19am
about 20 bucks, if you provide the barel of the key number code

candii06, Dec 1, 10:29am
so if i give them the barrel ive removed from the door along with code from the lock it should be around that price! Does it matter that the MS-8 is an import!

Do u have any lock smiths that u would recommend :)

thanks for the help

mellisa2000, Dec 1, 11:33am
The lock smiths in the Manukau Shopping centre should be able to do it

crzyhrse, Dec 1, 11:39am
The ones right by the Ronwood Ave/Lambie Drive roundabout would certainly be able to - Accurate Locksmiths - and you don't have to go anywhere near a mall, which is a huge bonus in my books.

afer_daily, Dec 2, 7:18am
yeah while you are in the mall someone is stealing your car

alan1111, Dec 2, 7:37am
Just need a rego number and they can cut keys from that info. Yes its stupid but true.

candii06, Dec 2, 10:01am
Went to a locksmith in mt wellington with my door lock barrel. 15 mins later. new key for $15. yay very happy! :) now just gotta take out the old crappy chinese alarm thats been in it since the last owner (also lost the 1 & only alarm remote!) haha

mellisa2000, Apr 24, 5:55pm
Cool, thanks for posting back. Job Done!