what do you think that kinda inspection will be done! Or the cost doesn't justify the work!
Jan 22, 9:23pm
Let us know how much they fail you on and how quickly they come up with a price for fixing it all, anyone offering cheap WOF's is either not doing it properly or else is wanting a lot of work out of you.It isn't a moneymaker otherwise for that price.
Jan 22, 9:30pm
that's what i thought too, i had a similar experience before, down on the shore, trying to rip my cv boot with a screwdriver then telling me i had to replace it.
Jan 22, 9:40pm
VTNZ give 20% discount if you belong toa cossy club or similar . well they do in Levin .
Jan 23, 12:26am
$20 in South Auckland. Would not use them though.
Jan 23, 5:55am
$50.00 in Invercargill and $30.00 for a Bike
Jan 23, 7:15am
My uncle does mine for $40 but he doesn't grizzle about stupid things EVER. He gives me shit for bad ball joints and things though, it's great cause he does a REAL safety check and will even make me get an alignment if it drives funny or point out things I might of missed on my own lift.
Jan 23, 1:38pm
its good reading the publics perception on pricing and what type of job they feel are getting.
Jan 23, 1:40pm
Cheap WOF's are a false economy, its a loss leader for the garage to get your business, its in their interest to find something wrong with your car.
Jan 23, 1:43pm
My son went for a $25 warrant in Onehunga. When I heard, I told him to watch out for a rort on repairs. No problem, the proprieter even fixed a couple of small things for nothing.
Not all inexpensive places are a rip off.
Jan 23, 1:50pm
i have mine the cheapest in town ,and it sure brings in the numbers ,also alot of the "lesser maintained" vehicles that bring in good returns!
so in my veiw dropping the price by $6.50 was a great marketing experiance,that i am now benifiting from
Jan 23, 1:55pm
All WoF inspections are exactly the same and performed precisely to an accepted set of standards, therefore making it irrelevant where you go and what you pay.right!
Yeah, right.
Jan 23, 3:30pm
personally I pay $43 but to me the price of the check is irrelevant, its the quality of the check I'm interested in, been going to the same place for years and the guys are very thorough and a fail is always completely justified, cant say I've ever picked up something they've missed either.
Jan 26, 3:58am
I have now had three $25 warrants at a place in New Lynn. Two different cars. Very happy with the service. On the other hand, I have found some of the big $47 very unhelpful eg failed for some condensation in my park light, failed for being out of windscreen washer water!
Jan 26, 7:23am
I went for a $25 one last week, just because they were not busy. I got failed on 3 things, 2 of them I knew of, I was happy with that. But for a good in depth warrant, go see Sonic Automotive in Manukau, great guys and won't rip you off
Jan 26, 8:28am
i recommend autocare on rankin ave in new lynn. phil is a no bull$hit person, done my warrants for over 10 years. i think he charges $45 from memory
Oct 19, 8:49pm
Not all cheap places are bad, more a generalization. Had cheap wofs before but have not found them to be in need of work. Yeah some are but not all, just dont let them take you for a ride. Just out smart them as it has to be in the virm.
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