Cheers, Mk3, Tractor, And Sandy. :-) I apparently will be "Watched" so I have to be a bit less exuberant I guess. Pander to the man I suppose. One month was a looong time. When you spend a decent amount of time doing something to help people and then are not allowed to, you do twiddle your thumbs a bit. However, I was actually gobsmacked at the time. Missus wasn't too happy. Fish.
Jan 31, 1:03am
Ha ha fish,hey that v8 swap day is on the 19th feb mate.
Jan 31, 1:14am
It is good to have you back mellisa2000, personally, I find your advice to be up with the best on here. (not one to blow smoke) but there u go!
Jan 31, 1:20am
I often break the rules!, how!, do tell.
Jan 31, 1:25am
So you have both just jacked the thread.clap clap
Jan 31, 1:26am
Once I told a bloke to lay off someone with the abuse. I did not complain to TM. But that TMMBr was convinced I'd complained and probably still hasn't forgotten it.
Jan 31, 1:32am
Yup whats going on here.
Jan 31, 1:35am
You openly admitted to it some time ago,best just to leave things as is chap. You may find more and more motoring peeps reporting you.
Jan 31, 1:56am
I got banned because you were basically highlighting and making it easier for trademe police to pick up, now I can advertise my service in which I pay trademe for but I have been told not to mention it on here! Bout time trademe re-wrote the law book, perhaps you can help them John, oh and my user name was
Jan 27, 3:16am
Trademe's site their rules, harldy the so called narks fault. All of us a merely just a user of the site, we don't make / control bans unfortunately.
Jan 27, 3:21am
seems ages ago when you got banned. How was the ban for!
Jan 27, 3:28am
thought hes been back for a while!
Nov 7, 12:47pm
Total runbish yes I might point out face to face on trademe boards oscasionaly as not everyone is aware of the rules. But I do not take it to extreme about taking it to the top. You just think oh he makes a comment he must of complained.yet you hold the same grudge with no proof. Yea I might be a stirrer also but the reality is what is said on the board stays here. It does not go any further.
Proof! None.Yet its trademes decision at the end of the day, they act decide what to do not the complaint.I just say you do nt like been caught out and you think I am the one that did it. So hard prooffrom shit stirring oscasionally! Nope it does not exist, so its about time to stop wrongly accusing people. So lay off , has said earlier someone does not like the truth pointed out. So ditch the attiude and stop wrongly accusing people.
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