Think you can parallel park watch this

inkapuka, Dec 12, 5:23am

ninja_man, Dec 12, 5:28am
he hit the car behind. what a douche

morrisman1, Dec 12, 5:29am
When the owner of that rear silver car find that he will realise what all the dents in his bumper are from!

inkapuka, Dec 12, 5:30am
lol stil though that was skill

a18a, Dec 12, 5:40am
guess they don't call them bumpers for nnothing

mugenb20b, Dec 12, 6:06am's probably taken the idiot half an hour to "park".

johnf_456, Dec 12, 9:43am
Far out

rallec, Dec 12, 10:47am

andrea_w, Dec 12, 10:56am
A kiwi driver is better than a chinese driver at parking. was that result really a surprise!

male_timaru, Dec 12, 11:43am
so you call hitting two cars parked in front and behind you every time you move a car SKILL!

WOW . guess them dodgem drivers are the best in the world then!

nativewun, Dec 12, 11:57am
He's lucky!. Got back to his car and left before the two other car owners showed up. Damn lucky, lol.

cuda.340, Dec 12, 5:59pm
i did that once in my work truck. only thing was, the car in front didn't have its handbrake on & rolled away. my nudging was enough for the car, a Suzuki Astra! to roll into the car in front & set off the alarm. 10 mins later the 2 drivers were having a dispute on the side of the road. i just drove away lol