$3000 REWARD. I placed this post yesterday but it was removed because it contained contact details here it is again on the night

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gusthe1, Jan 10, 10:20pm
Because his possession is in someone elses possession and he doesnt know where it is to fit the tracker to it. Simple really!

jsbike, Jan 10, 10:50pm
be positive, I had ANOTHER vehicle taken (that's 1 car, a mbike and this car all taken within 4 months)2 days before xmas. This time gps tracking had it back in my sight within the hour and a guy arrested.


fordcrzy, Jan 10, 11:32pm
Hey jsbike.
What did the cops say to you re the GPS tracker! Did you have to twist their arm to come out! Any more info on what charges the alleged offender is facing!

jsbike, Jan 11, 3:28am
They were good about it given that they have to work in what they can do by law.

After doing a drive-by of the house in question, I parked just down the road, rang the cops and told them the situation and that I had tracked the car to an address but could not see it from the road. They met me out front the address 15-20min later, had a look round but could not see the car so told me that that needed to get a warrant to go on the property as they did not have a lawful reson to enter the property. they went on to say that it could take up to 2 hours to do this and that they could not stay there and wait.

I then asked them if I was able to set the cars horn off would that be enough of a reason to go on property without a warrant. They said it was, so I turned my horn on via text message, they went on the property and found the car behind a garage.

No word yet on what charge/s the guy will face, the cops took my car and 2 other stolen ones found hidden on the property and printed them so chances are more than one person will go down for it.

mezanz, Jan 12, 9:58pm
how can I contact you OP!I read your post earlier this week, stuck in my mind. anyways last night was driving home and saw a bike that fitted that description. driver was being very cocky, almost to the point of dangerous and I couldnt remember number plate so wrote it down, just came online to check dude. SAME NUMBER PLATE!

mezanz, Jan 12, 10:11pm
Ok, just texted you off your other mototrbike auction, contact me.

angelpie, Dec 15, 8:51pm
i placed this post yesterday but it was removed because it contained contact details. here it is again.

on the night of 12/13 october 2011 my black 2009 suzuki SV1000S sports bike was stolen from my workshop in papamoa.
the rego number is A6APB,vin JS1BX422300100996,eng no T511-1070
its fitted with a pack rack and a faded brown bag
it was uninsured as i had transfered the policy to another bike i was regularly riding.
i am offering a $3000 reward for the recovery of the motorbikein a similar condition as to when it was taken.or for information which identifies the offenders and leads to theirprosecution.
any such information received will be treated with the utmost confidentiality

tigra, Dec 15, 8:53pm
You now have the problem of people making contact. Suggest you start a couple of 50c lollipop auctions so contact can be made.

intrade, Dec 15, 8:54pm
why dont you fit gps trackers to your possessions! I have got me one all it needs is enough credit on prepay sim to send sms of its location and gps global position to a phone . So you can go to that location with a loaded shotgun.
that the one i got

ralphdog1, Dec 15, 9:24pm
Where from and how much Intrade!

intrade, Dec 15, 9:52pm
i got it from europe was 110$ they sell some here on tradme also they seem to be a us company i got it from pearl

tuttyclan, Dec 15, 10:13pm
Good idea but battery life is only ???Battery Life: 7-10 Days on standby
Be good if the battery could last a lot longer or be wired into the car.

jsbike, Dec 15, 11:06pm
battey life is BS, they are lucky to run for 8 hours. they realistically need to be wired to the car/bike battery. versions that wire into the battery are around $150, and have extra features. text you if the main battery is disconnected (they still have an internal battery), text if door opened or motor started etc

vtecintegra, Dec 15, 11:16pm
I'm using an old smartphone with tracking software installed as kind of a cheap version of that.

Obviously battery life is an issue and a through enough search of the car would reveal it.

tazcsv, Dec 15, 11:17pm
That 3k would have gone along way towards insurance.

angelpie, Dec 16, 12:43am
true, but hindsights a great thing

hitman45, Dec 16, 12:13pm
432225965 here is one

matthew111, Dec 16, 8:14pm
Im sure Police will find the offenders.

angelpie, Dec 16, 8:32pm
we hope so

jsbike, Dec 17, 8:03pm
I had my car on TM, 2 guys came to look at it, i got their address as they had a car they wanted swap, I went look at their car, refused a trade. 4 days later my car went missing. had a feeling the guys took it so kept an eye on their place. a week after it went missing i see it up their drive. they got done for receiving (cant prove they actually stole it). also cant prove they funked the paint, cut the springs, stole $800 stuff from out of the car. they got 80 hours community service. expect nothing even if the cops catch someone on your bike.

angelpie, Dec 19, 7:59am
that was good work on your part getting onto them.no im not expecting miraclesbut 3k could loosen someones mouth.

jsbike, Dec 21, 10:24pm
bump. I just got a suzuki fx125 back that was stolen (yes I had a car AND a bike stolen 2 months apart), near no damage luckily, just rode it home.

angelpie, Dec 22, 7:53am
im not expecting to be that lucky

angelpie, Dec 26, 10:13pm
forgot to mention the bike is fitted with 2 round yoshimura aftermarket mufflers and a scott oiler

countrypete, Dec 27, 8:41pm
Angelpie, I have arranged for your bike to be listed as stolen in Suzuki NZ's system, and also notified all Suzuki dealers.If it turns up at a dealer or if someone tries to buy parts and quotes the VIN, they will be snapped.They often show up eventually.