Navman or Tom Tom which do you prefer!

eagleeyed, Dec 19, 12:32am
looking at buying one for Xmas, which is easier to use!

zak1998, Dec 19, 1:03am
Garmin you get free update maps on the web and that is what makes a good GPS

kcf, Dec 19, 1:23am
Another vote for Garmin.

This from a tomtom owner!

tnt423, Dec 19, 2:26am
I hate my Garmin, its a pain in the are to use.

whqqsh, Dec 19, 2:58am
I like my Tomtom, used navman in a works car & not as good IMO, never used Garmin

pig-gal, Dec 19, 3:06am
Never used Navman or Tomtom except in the shop to find out which was easiest to use. I bought a Garmin as it seemed simpler and we're very happy with it. Free map updates as well.

m16d, Dec 19, 5:03am
Navman has free updates for 3 years,and you'll probably buy a newer model then.
Navman is more user friendly than Garmin. never used a Tomtom.

the_don_61, Dec 19, 5:42am
Google maps on your I-pad .

bashfulbro, Dec 19, 6:04am
I had an earlier model navman, was ok, have a Tom Tom now, much better,but the pain in the A, is having to pay for map updates,they are expensive,

intrade, Dec 19, 6:10am
garmin only now.

wee5, Dec 19, 6:14am
I've only used Navmans, recently got a new one & very happy with it, incl. the 3 years of map updates,

thejazzpianoma, Dec 19, 6:15am
Ipad or Iphone is a much better investment. A GPS is much like buying a Typewriter instead of a computer. The oldies who hate change or didn't know better swore by typewriters for years after computers were cheap and easy to use.

Even a secondhand Iphone is more usefull than a GPS but, if going secondhand make sure its an Iphone 3G or newer, the old Iphone only has data assist gps which is poos.

intrade, Dec 19, 6:16am
i have a tomtom and a garmin-asus phone they both are as easy or hard to use you got to know that for aukland north you dont type auckland you got to go north-shore or both will say non existing address.

jason18, Dec 19, 10:17pm

likit, Dec 19, 10:36pm
I have an AA roadmaps,easy to use & cheaper to renew.

bigboi22, Dec 19, 10:41pm
just bought a tomtom and mean u get ya first update free but hey how often do u need to update them!at the end of the day they are all ok i think

mr-word, Dec 20, 12:54am
The Navman EZY series have an annoying predictive text feature.
I can't comment on Tom Toms. I have a garmin and it is usually accurate although some of their map data is out of date on their september 2011 maps.

footplate1, Dec 20, 1:20am
I have had both.Of the two, I preferred Tomtom.However, latterly the Tomtom service advice has been a pain in the butt.One update corrupted my system and much had to be resinstalled at my expense.Right now, I am dealing with some obtuse help desk person who wants me to go through uninstalls/reinstalls because the home page insists I have VIA Tomtom, when I have a ONE.And their instructions are never simply worded for this simple person.

thejazzpianoma, Dec 20, 6:15am
Ipad or Iphone is a much better investment. A GPS is much like buying a Typewriter instead of a computer. The oldies who hate change or didn't know better swore by typewriters for years after computers were cheap and easy to use.

Even a secondhand Iphone is more usefull than a GPS but, if going secondhand make sure its an Iphone 3G or newer, the old Iphone only has data assist gps which is poos.

BTW, I say this and I have a very nice top of the line TomTom that I never use when I have use of the iphone or ipad.

geoff_m, Dec 20, 8:45am
mr-word - go to and download the free nz open source maps- better than the Garmin OEM ones (and did I mention free!)
They are the reason I bought a garmin

owene, Dec 20, 10:07am
Teach your wife to read maps.