Just thought i'd pop it in here also

sw20, Dec 19, 4:46pm
Doesn't really matter where you go. Always muppet drivers that don't stop at stop signs or think indicators are optional. Hang em all.

drew2009, Dec 19, 6:15pm
Crazy drivers like that are everywhere, sounds pretty standard really.

i-n-horz, Dec 19, 8:37pm
This time of year motorcyclists need to be even more vigilant than normal.I know I am, with so many strangers around on unfamiliar roads the potential for scrapes and bangs is high unfortunately the ol'biker always comes off worst for wear even with a mild scrape or bang.
Heads up boys your a moving target and everyone has their crosshairs on'ya.

pge, Dec 19, 11:58pm
If you think you see them, try responding to an emergency call --

Transit High-Top, FULLY dressed -- Fire Service paint scheme, lights and sirens ALL ABLAZE -- do they see it in their mirrors!Do they as Hell ! !

Rear-vision mirrors are apparently only an optional accessory on most cars.

Look after yourselves, guys, all the very best for the Xmas Season to you and yours.

richardmayes, Dec 20, 12:03am
Was driving across town in traffic the other week. A chap on a high-powered motorcycle was in the lane behind me.

And he just sat there in the middle of the lane and followed me!Sensible following distance, not chopping & changing between lanes, not overtaking in the face of oncoming cars, not overtaking on the kerbside.

I was gobsmacked, you don't see that very often.

sifty, Dec 20, 12:18am
about as often as you see car drivers paying attention to the road, and not picking their nose/changing CDs/eating a pie/calming kids/applying makeup etc etc.

peja, Dec 20, 1:45am
I can believe it. Reminds me of something I saw some years ago, ambulance in a hurry for obvious reasons, lights and sirens going, comes up behind this fool in an old Morris 1100 on Grafton bridge (this was quite a long time ago). Lets rip with airhorns as well, idiot driver just sat there. Ambulance driver simply shunted him across the intersection and into the kerb and carried on to whatever emergency he had been summonsed to.

I hope it put the shits up the fool in the Morris so badly that he never drove again. Pity this is not done on a regular basis by emergency vehicles here, as I believe happens in parts of the USA. Far too many people drive here that should not as they lack the ability

Too many people here are not even aware of what is behind or around them when they are driving. Some arent even aware of what's in front of them as the OP has pointed out.