Thank you :o)

27pukeko, Dec 23, 5:25am
Thanks for all the car advice - you are a friendly bunch in here.
Me and Ma ended up buying a '03 Mitsu Airtrek, 2.0l 2WD version with low K's.
Merry xmas and new year and happy motoring to you all :o)

thejazzpianoma, Dec 23, 5:32am
Enjoy your new car, I hope it gives you and your Mum loads of pleasure.
Don't forget to keep it serviced!
Merry Christmas!

27pukeko, Dec 23, 8:35am
Yup will do Jazz :o)

thanks Stevo2

Made them give me a thing that not only hooks into the door and becomes an extra handle for Ma, but if I take the car swimming I can cut my seat belt and smash the window lolthat and a slide sheet thing to help get her in and out :o)

thejazzpianoma, Dec 23, 8:45am
If the day comes where its getting even more difficult to get your Ma in and out I have seen this sort of thing available in Japan as a used vehicle. They will likely get quite affordable over the next few years as they have been around for some time and quite popular in Japan.

Just something to tuck in the back of your mind, anything that lets you both enjoy time together out and about for as long as possible has to be a good thing.

mugenb20b, Dec 23, 9:08am
Awesome, good to hear you got a car that suits your needs. Merry Christmas, happy new year and enjoy your new car.

phillip.weston, Dec 23, 9:18am
Are you out of your mind! Recommending a Toyota. really!

27pukeko, Dec 23, 8:04pm
Lol thanks that is incredibly hideous but very functional and would be useful!

thejazzpianoma, Dec 23, 8:11pm
LOL, I am all for the best tool for the job. Just occasionally Toyota make something worthwhile.
And you know how I like hideous but functional things!

Anyhow Pukeko, hopefully a while before you need one.