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mokaubach, Dec 26, 7:51pm
This event just keeps getting worse each year, 45 minutes late starting then just got worse race by race. The organisers need a 100% change and get someone driving it so it flows. The only area that runs like clockwork is the secure bike park, $10 for a great service, well done.

trogedon, Dec 26, 10:24pm
Send them complaints - it might help. Do it with email and a letter. I find a letter in the handworks better than just an email.

countrypete, Dec 26, 11:14pm
There seemed no excuse for the late start. but during the racing, there were crashes and re-starts in virtually all the races.Unlike the old days when they simply pushed the broken bikes (and riders) to the side, nowadays they have to take a more professional approach, and that unfortunately does take time.Having said that, yes, there were too many delays, and the day did drag a bit with lots of gaps in the racing.And BTW, there was a new promoter and organiser this year - Leighton has "passed the chalice".

mokaubach, Dec 27, 4:43am
I don't think anyone has an issue with broken bikes and broken guys being cleaned up properly but Wanganui takes it to the extreme. They never seen to have enough gear placed around the track for salvaging bikes. They will drive the punters away if they don't get it right. There is no excuse for starting late and bikes should be ready on the dummy grid as a race is running.

berg, Dec 27, 5:26am
Went for the first time yesterday and wasn't totally impressed. The &10 parking was fantastic, the $30 entry was extortion. Then to see bugger all racing but shiteloads of piss heads, litter, and some agro, I don't think I will bother again.

mokaubach, Dec 27, 5:59am
Yes, there was a high number of ferels there this year, I think they are driving the families away with really slack organisation year after year.

plasticboys, Dec 27, 6:30am
$30! lucky l got in for free!

kwaka5, Dec 27, 6:31am
Look i go to this event every year and i'll probably not be going next year. Every year it has been getting worse. Went down to greymouth this year and recommend it to everyone. Was a fantasic event. Great people running it, fantastic atmoshpere and great racing. If you haven't been please go. You'll be well impressed.

plasticboys, Dec 27, 6:32am
been going there for 15 year+ and was the worse its ever been. been a helper for a rider l have never done so much running about in my live!

mokaubach, Dec 27, 7:48am
Well you got your moneys worth then didn't you!.

mokaubach, Dec 27, 7:50am
Glad I'm not alone here, Greymouth sounds great, heard good feedback on their meet. I think I'll skip Wanganui and go to Paeroa from now on.

phlippy, Dec 27, 8:05am
the reason the were 1 hour 20 minutes late with race 1 was because in most of the practice runs they had people falling off and bikes breaking down just like in the racing.

I left about3pm with just half the races run.
they have less workers because they struggle to get volenteers.

they try to limit it toa dozen cans per person but there are so many ways around that. geez the supermarkets next door you walk out one gate through the supermarket and back in the other gate. others have the beer stocked in vehicles left onsite. some take the risk and stash it by the riverbank before xmas.
the people from berdeck spent most of the time trying to stop people peeing in there garden.

still its been a lot less rowdy the last two years

stimpy73, Dec 27, 8:55am
I was there for the tenth time this year, probably the best racing I have seen in years, nearly all the classes had a real battle for the top places, the latest fastbikes magazine lists wanganui as one of the top ten street circuits in the world.yes the world.
In Australia this type of racing is illegal, you dont have the option to go and watch it let alone whinge about it afterwards. $30 to go and watch a day of world class street racing featuring international riders is fine with me, not saying that the previous posters dont have some valid points but just offering a different perspective, I stayed overnight this year after 3 years of day trips, so the delays didnt worry me so much, in the early days I used to go down xmas eve and stay through until the 27th, made a great holiday of it. If you were only there for the day and had to travel the delays can be an issue, but thats street racing, and we still have it here in NZ. Personally i plan to go back every year that we still have the opportunity to see such awesome racing on such a great circuit, so that when the PC police finally ban it at least I have seen the most that I could. Also this was the quietest year for drunken idiots that I have personally seen.
The ride from Auckland via National park/Raetihi over the ParaPara was epic as always, and the radar detector payed for itself about 7 times again, but personally I had a great trip and thoroughly enjoyed the racing.

mokaubach, Dec 27, 6:17pm
I'm sure Wanganui is one of the 10 best circuits in the world but sorry, the organisation would have to be some of the worst, fact. I don't have any beef with $30 entry, as long as I get a fair deal as a punter. I would be happy to pay $40 if $10 of it went to wages for a few extra people to help run it. As for drunks, thats what we have a Police force for, there needs to be more floating around on the beat instead of hiding behind trees trying to earn speeding ticket revenue.Dickheads spoil it for all of us.

wrong2, Dec 27, 6:40pm
those types just love to have a captive audience

kazbanz, Dec 27, 11:36pm
I can solve the issue with delays to the racing. Its easy.put every racer on electric bicycles or ban all osh type inspectors so laps don't have to stop every time somebody crashes.

plasticboys, Dec 28, 12:07am
untill somone get killed and electric bicycles would be boring (-;

serf407, Dec 28, 3:32am
Watched a bit on Speedbox. $20 but $20 in petrol would not even get me to a circuit in NZ one way.
I see the fibre to the door big dig has started in Whangarei/ North Power.
Speedbox, fibre, the widescreen. The ferals can have Whanganui to themselves as long as they don't interfere with the racing.

moosie_21, Dec 28, 5:25am
Got in for free, first time there, and got to talk to riders afterwards staying at our motel, and getting to oogle over a Ducati sitting in our garage. All win for me on boxing day!

tats63, Dec 28, 5:27am
1970's Marlboro Series, great weather, top international riders,world class local riders, screaming two strokes, hot babes handing out 5 packs of Marlboro's and running the tank dry on my Kawasaki triple on the ride home to New Plymouth.those were the days!

mokaubach, Dec 28, 6:31am
If the organisers don't get their act together, it will die a natural death.

motig, Dec 28, 6:30pm
Those were the days. Believe it or not still got a t shirt somewhere.

tats63, Dec 29, 3:55am
Cool, I think I've still got a couple of programs hidden away somewhere too.

roadbikerider, Dec 29, 4:18am
still finished an hour and a quarter earlier than it did another year.
The organisers must have been busy throwing things at all the riders to make them crash to hold it up it seems by peoples attitudes.
Ironically a lot of peoples enduring memories and highlights of the day is the crashes, these folks are what caused most of the delays.
was my 46th year there and yes it was hard. Why! the delays weren't easy in the high temperatures and lack of a breeze, the rest is up to your patience and acceptance that sometimes shit happens.

vomo2, Dec 29, 4:18am
We have been going for about 35 years, but didnt go this year. Too many drunks and to many delays last year, enough to put an avid fan off!