I'm dumb, please help

jonellle, Dec 28, 6:15am
I have a toyota Lucidia 1992 diesel manual and i have run out of clutch fluid, but for the life of me cannot find where the heck it is suppose to go in.Any ideas Please

bjdw, Dec 28, 6:16am
In the little bottle on top of the clutch master cylinder.

jonellle, Dec 28, 6:18am
lol sorry where is the clutch master cylinder.Is it under the bonnet or the front passenger seat!

intrade, Dec 28, 6:22am
open the door it be in the dash i think just like on townace vans when door is open you should see a cover to remove. You also need to bleed out the air from the system and fix where it leakes. check with torch if it is down it likely is a dual one brake and clutch

bjdw, Dec 28, 6:24am
Sorry, I was being a smart ass.I'm not familiar with that vehicle, but it is probably under the bonnet.Often but not always a little white bottle with a black lid. If you've topped up your brake fluid before it looks very similar to that.

bjdw, Dec 28, 6:25am
Ignore me, listen to him.

jonellle, Dec 28, 10:33pm
lol, thanks bjdw, although i did do a google search on a "clutch master cylinder" lol.
And intrade, i tried doing that and could see no covers or anything. Brake fluid is under the bonnet and full. Looks like its going to be an expensive trip to a mechanic.The one who i get my warrant from quoted me $600 i think I'm being ripped off because i'm female.

But thanks you anyway

danni_2254, Dec 28, 10:37pm
Whats the quote for! Is it specific!

peek_a_boo1, Dec 28, 10:43pm
jonellle go to arty at A&A automotive in frankton oppersite the saleyards he is very fair and doesnt rip you off, i have dealt with him and recommend him highly, see what he quotes you. otherwise get in touch with me and i can ask a friend of mine to ask around as she has more contacts then me and can ask the chick she did a course thru about it and what she recommends (who is a qualified mechanic) :)

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 28, 10:51pm
How do you know you're run out of clutch fluid if you don't know where it is to look!

If you've lost fluid and the clutch no longer works it requires more than simply topping up.

rob_man, Dec 28, 11:17pm
Are you sure it's even hydraulic!

intrade, Dec 28, 11:54pm
good question if the pedal is stuck to the floor you check if it has a cable attached on the leaver action part or a pushrod. if its got a rod going thru the firewall then it is hydraulic . if its got a wire cable that is now slack then you got a broken clutch cable and no fluids.

gadgit3, Dec 28, 11:59pm
It is hydraulic. The brake fluid reservoir is the fill point for the clutch master cylinder. Under the bonnet, right hand side of van.

intrade, Dec 29, 12:02am
this is a hydraulic one from a previa same heap as yours . the golden part is what is attaching to the leaver you press with your foot and the white part is where the hose conects to from remote fillng bowl via a hose. You likely have to replace the cilinder and the one on the gearbox also if it is hydraulic

jonellle, Dec 29, 3:41am
Thanks heaps everyone.The quote was for a whole new clutch or something to be put in, was a bit unspecific.
Was told by my dad, who knows only the very basics about cars that it was out of fluid as he could see where it drips when i put my foot on the clutch.
Will definitely try the AA in frankton and see what they say, only problem being, my car is not the best to drive at the moment.
I can drive it but it has no guts.Cant go up any hills that have an incline, and starting off from lights a person walking can go faster.Feels like i am revving the hell out of it, but going nowhere.
Its almost like i have no clutch at all.I can put it into 1st in my driveway and keep one foot one the brake and take the other off the clutch, and nothing happens, no bunny hopping or anything.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 29, 3:46am
Slipping clutch. price is about right. Adding fluid won't help nor will it have caused the condition.

intrade, Dec 29, 3:47am
your best not to drive it and definetly not rev the crap out of it. the clutch friction disk will burn and glaze up and it already has done this by the sound of it then just slips . Check if the car has other problems rust etc to make a desicion if it is worth fixing as it will need a new full clutch kit and likely a slave and master cilinder or broken hose repaired also. It is not a 4x4 i hope! 600 is cheap for full clutch replacment will be loads more if its 4x4 if its just rear driven and considering the rest of the problems you will be more like 1000$ for this repair job when it is done .

intrade, Dec 29, 3:58am
also what kilometer has it done! these all blow up the engine when they are passed 200,000km all and every one of em crack the head. its why its called a lucifer estimer enema.

jonellle, Dec 29, 4:32am
mine has done over 300,000kms and is still going strong, this is the first problem I've had in a long time.A year ago i paid $80 for something to get fixed (cant remember what though)I love my car, i NEED my car.I do home based care and with 3 of my own, i really need the seats.especially by the time they all have a friend home from school too.

If i cant drive it, might have to call a mobile mechanic i think, not that i can afford it after xmas, and being off work for a week due to a spider bite. Bugger!

henderson_guy, Dec 29, 4:38am
If it's dripping, then this points to a buggered master or slave cylinder.

thejazzpianoma, Dec 29, 5:17am
Aside from the clutch issue with what it is and those km's its time to start saving for a new vehicle, as these sorts of expensive jobs are going to become more common. Much better to make planning for this a priority now than be caught out at short notice in a few months or a year or whatever. Also, in going condition its worth something toward a better vehicle.

The other issue that you may not be aware of is they are shocking an a crash even at quite low speed. The steering wheel has a nasty habbit of slamming up under the chin of the driver and either decapitating them or snapping their neck.

Putting aside a little bit of money every week, doing some research and knowing when you have found a bargain, may mean you can replace it without going into debt. Given your budget sounds tight this might save you a lot of stress.

BTW, you are far from dumb. You had enough sense to know where to ask for help and to use google as well when you were not sure what something was. Calling yourself names like that may seem innocuous but your subconscious mind is like a sponge and picks up on these things to your own detriment.

Dr Jazzis now finished for the day.