Invercargill - Cromwell

sxcstar, Dec 28, 9:08pm
I'm driving to Cromwell from Invercargill tomorrow for New Years. Which is the better way to go, Invercargill - Gore way or Invercargill - Queenstown!

morrisman1, Dec 28, 9:27pm
it is the same distance either way.

sxcstar, Dec 28, 9:30pm
Oh ok didnt realise that, Queenstown way it is then. Thanks Morrisman

jetsin5, Dec 28, 9:33pm
Yip Morrisman is right, It is 250km via Qtown or 244km via Gore. So I guess it just depends what you want to look at on the way.

a.woodrow, Dec 29, 3:03am
Probably a bit shorter if you go through moa flat via heriot - comes out at ettrick. My wife and I just finshed the loop at Christmas - invercargill to qtown, over to cromwell, alex etc, turned off at ettrick and over the hill to heriot and home through gore. very nice drive, central is getting dry though

nz2293, Dec 29, 3:48am
new years got to go thru qtwn be part of the crowd

ruralben, Dec 29, 4:44am
queenstown love that drive scenery plus!

the_don_61, Dec 29, 4:48am
If your a real motor sport buff.take the turn off from milton to queenstown.then turn right into my famillys road."Perry road" and take the route the heatway rally did in like 1972.

alimac1, Dec 29, 8:25am
Queenstown, Five rivers Mossburn, Then down the Hundred Line through Drummond to Invercargill.

ducatiss, Jul 19, 11:11pm
In fact any route that avoids Gore.