Can any one tell me about escape

17pippa, Jan 1, 2:48am
thanks for you help guys it is my daughter thats is buying and has now got one she got a 2003 there you go trying to change there mines my self but did not work .well cheers anyway guys.and by the way i am a lady so some time i dont under stand man;s talkas you can tell to some guy comment back up a bit lol.

whqqsh, Jan 1, 3:12am
same as Mazda Tribute just rebadged, Ive only driven an earlier one we had a company car but apparently they were based on a left hand drive format then modified which made the console mounted handbrake on the other side to the driver so you had to reach over the console or have a double jointed wrist, the gauges & lights were obstructed by the steering wheel as were the indicator & light control stalks. Went like a cut cat off the mark but died to all but gutless after 80kph. Not my choice of vehicle at all unless huge improvements were made in later models

pig-gal, Jan 1, 3:48am
My brother in law has an Escape and has just spent over 4 grand on the transmission which was caused by a dirty oil pickup screen or filter or whatever is inside them. I know it's too late to stop your daughter buying one but please try and persuade her to get the trans serviced by someone who knows what they are doing. Also going by what the Couriers of the same vintage do then get the radiator properly checked out. Doing both of these could potentially save your daughter thousands.

mugenb20b, Jan 1, 4:06am
Really! I thought it was vice versa. Gutless up to 80km/h, but really good after that.

mugenb20b, Jan 1, 4:07am
I can honestly say I've never encountered those problems. You must be well over 6 feet in height.

unbeatabull, Jan 1, 5:11am
Underpowered for what they are towing. Albeit they are a bit more reliable then the 6, but I mean, have a look in the engine bay, it looks ridiculously too small! As soon as you put any load in the car/trailer on the back etc it will strain pretty bad. Its about as stupid as putting a towbar on Fiestas - and yes, we do fit a lot of towbars to Fiestas!

vtecintegra, Jan 1, 5:34am
A Fiesta will 'tow' a double bikerack just fine

17pippa, Jan 1, 9:06pm
oky doky.i will pass it on.

17pippa, Dec 29, 9:14pm
what are they like as a car.

mull05, Dec 29, 9:16pm

richard198, Dec 29, 9:18pm
It's a Ford.

17pippa, Dec 29, 9:25pm
what do you my

mugenb20b, Dec 30, 12:28am
Get the latest Mazda Tribute V6 if you can. They have a bit more power than the early Escape.
Good cars, but thirsty. Some Escapes had transmission problems, and they will all leak oil when the k's get a bit high. The 4 cylinder is probably a safer option to buy when it comes to long term reliability. Be careful though, some are not 4WD. Nice cars on the road, good interior space too.

amberjandal, Dec 30, 12:29am
Are you talking 2.3 4 cylinder or 3.0 V6 ! NZ new or Japper !

mugenb20b, Dec 30, 12:29am
If not maintained and if you neglect the cooling system. I'm guessing your one got overheated!

blueaeroplane, Dec 30, 1:30am
What language are you speaking!

shelleigh, Dec 30, 3:29am
Pippa I was looking at getting an Escape but, after much appreciated advice from helpful people on here, have decided to get another wagon.
What reasons are you looking at getting an Escape!
Most of my running is around town and the only time I go where 4WD would be handy is skiing. So makes more sense for me to get another wagon rather than an Escape. Plus much easier to put the kayaks on a wagon than an Escape!

richard198, Dec 30, 4:13am
Loosly translated as "What do you mean by that!"!

unbeatabull, Dec 30, 5:49am
Escapes are money pits, and from my experience, not very nice to drive either (Work on them just about every week)

If looked after well they are ok reliabilty wise, but if not they can quickly get expensive. I'd stay away from the 4 cylinder at all costs, the 6cylinder isn't much better but is at least a bit more accomodating for the vehicle it's powering.

mugenb20b, Dec 30, 5:57am
What's wrong with their 4 cylinder engines!

mull05, Dec 30, 8:35am
haha. wouldn't consider ever buying one.

mugenb20b, Dec 30, 8:40am
Fair enough. Each to their own. I loved driving the top spec Mazda Tribute V6, sunroof, leather seats, heaps power, plenty of room inside, comfortable seats, easy to get in and out of, excellent on road manners for an SUV. My boss has an '02 Escape, not as flash as the top of the range Tribute, but I'd consider buying one. If money was no object, yeah, I'd rather get a VW Touareg V10 diesel.

mrcat1, Jul 24, 1:50am
If your worried about transmission problems with the escape don't buy a V10 Touareg then.