ALMOST as ugly as a Multipla

kazbanz, Dec 30, 1:57am
I dunno where Toyota got their inspiration from when it comes to the styling sometimes. Gosh some of the stuff is just plumb UGLY.
Check out the Toyota Porte

cocabowla, Dec 30, 2:06am
nah, thats not even close tothe multiplainlyuglymobile, saw the back end of the barina swing the other day. now that was ugly

thejazzpianoma, Dec 30, 2:39am
There is ugly feces and there is modern art like that of Picasso.

The Multipla has featured in the museum of modern art. (Not making that up)
The Toyota has not.

phillip.weston, Dec 30, 2:41am
Agree. they are either so boring and bland or hideous. thankfully there are some models which look nice. Sometimes I wish these ugly Japan only models remained in Japan. hint hint haha.

phillip.weston, Dec 30, 2:42am
So has Mona Lisa. and she's not a pretty sight either.

wrong2, Dec 30, 3:00am
theres no difference between them either

bellky, Dec 30, 3:05am
good calls all 'round if i may say hehe

moosie_21, Dec 30, 4:51am
LMAO, sorry Jazz, but I work in the art and museum sector. Just because one uppity poof-class art "fanatic" says it is a work of art doesn't mean it is so. I know artists, and they'll swing just about anything into their exhibitions to get recognised. I've seen a "fat" porsche before, and I believe that was art because of how the artist played with it and made it coallesce with the overall theme of his exhibition. Just chucking down a bog-standard Multipla shows that 1) the artist is an idiot and can't think for themselves and 2) anyone who agrees with them is, well, quite near the same!

thejazzpianoma, Dec 30, 4:58am
Don't your arms get tired with all that sweeping!

trdbzr, Dec 30, 5:26am
ps Jazz, comeback FAIL lmfao

howie69, Dec 30, 5:33am
Hey Jazz Picasso it ain't . The Fugly ugly describes the Fiat to the last t. It may even be the ugliest car ever produced now but in a 100 years who knows it may become a classic.

moosie_21, Dec 30, 7:49am
Yup, sweeping silly people like you out the door!

(Btw, I respect you, I can't just leave comments like that!)

thejazzpianoma, Dec 30, 7:51am
Likewise my comment was mean. but too hard to resist. Its a piss take thread so go for gold I say, no offence taken here at all!