What did I do wrong!

bjdw, Dec 30, 7:16am
I changed a CV joint about two years done maybe 50,000k since then now it's starting to click click click again when turning hard.Nearly tiome for another new one.What did I do wrong last time to make it fail again so soon!

ginga4lyfe, Dec 30, 7:21am
try 50,000kms in a pair of shoes. I wouldnt be worried about only getting 50,000kms out of CV's, But. I would imagine that it may not have been packed with grease as well as it should have!

bjdw, Dec 30, 7:24am
The only reason I think it's premature is that I've not had to change the other side.I've had the car for about 80,000k.

ginga4lyfe, Dec 30, 7:30am
are you buying genuine! or some replica from a 3rd party!

phillip.weston, Dec 30, 7:31am
what car! what brand of CV joint! a genuine part or a cheap aftermarket part from Repco/supercheap!

bjdw, Dec 30, 7:32am
I buy with my staff discount at R*****

mugenb20b, Dec 30, 8:00am
I had the same problem many moons ago. I fitted an outer CV joint on an old '88 Mazda Capella 4WD. Within 3 years it started clicking again (boot was not split). So I bought another new joint and upon removing the old joint I realised what happened. The metal boot bands were too loose allowing water to get in but not out, and all the internals were covered in grease, rust stains and water.

edangus, Dec 30, 8:02am
Nuff said

n3d4sp3d, Dec 30, 8:04am
genuine or aftermarket! if going aftermarket I would go BNT we fit their joints to customer vehicles if the genuine is not an option and have never had any complaints of it clicking again, even fitted a couple to forestry lux's couple hundred thou ago and they still going good

morrisman1, Dec 30, 8:15am
well it is possible that they were not packed well. Has the boot caught something and split, letting crap into it!

bjdw, Dec 30, 8:16am
I'm no mechanic.I'd fault my installation skills before the part.

bjdw, Jul 23, 5:04pm
The boot isn't split, but instead of buying a banding tool I used cable ties.Maybe I didn't make 'em tight enough.