Anyone know. Cost of repairing kerb damage to alloys

hawat, Dec 31, 8:33pm
There is an outfit in Wairau Valley on the North Shore that will give you a quote. I actually went there for them to repair the front air dam on our 540. There was an E320 Merc getting its wheels dressed and they said they could do my wheels too. Its called the Plastic Repair Company, 205 Archers Road. They were great

hawat, Dec 31, 8:36pm
Oh sorry just checked you're in the 'Naki, no good to you.

ken18, Feb 2, 8:58am
Rimpro-tec they cover damage and prevent it happening again

damon14, Dec 31, 9:12am
Cost of repairing kerb damage to alloys!

grangies, Jul 29, 4:03pm
Can be more than new (or clean second hand set) wheels.

Edited to add. "unless they're something special"