Silvia s14, need some explaination.

frogs61, Jan 1, 3:44am
Can any1 helpp. in the middle of pulling gear box out to change clutch but no room to get it out or clutch in hitting firewall. Already took the gear shifter out and drained the oil. Just really stuff all room in the fire wall and need to drop the engine a inch or two some how. Drive shaft, gear box mount are out of the way. Taking box off from bellhousing bolts. Preface lift 1995. Thank you. Already searched but no answers.

1ollie, Jan 1, 4:37am
They can be tricky sometimes but they arint hard, try undoing the engine mount nuts back about 6 turns then the motor will tilt back a little more.

mantagsi, Jan 1, 5:18am
Similar situation with my old A31 turbo conversion, had to let the subframe bolts out quite a bit to drop the engine a few inches, then managed to get the gearbox to slip off / slip on. Originally put it all together on the floor and installed the assembly as a unit, so never realised how tight it was when I had to drop the box later on. Good luck :)

frogs61, Jan 1, 5:43am
I got told to turn the gear box upside down then take it out then do the same to put in, would this be true!

fionabc, Jan 1, 3:12pm
loosen the engine mounts then jack up the front of the engine tilting it backwards.

falcon15, Aug 1, 10:02pm
They are a little tight but does come out. Ive done plenty on silvias as ive owned 4 and i normally just jack the front of the engine up a little to lower the rear. Ive only ever had to loosen the subframe bolts to lower the motor on a s14 with rb25det running gear