Reserve parking space by standing in it !

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gwimweeper, Jan 4, 5:53pm
I have never heard of this practice till now.

Should people be able to "reserve" scarce parking spots in this way !

gooddealz2, Jan 4, 6:31pm
It certainly wouldn't be an officially approved method but I've used it before when doing volunteer work on a Thursday morning.I take elderly people shopping in a Minibus and have used another volunteer more than once to stand in a space whilst I shift the van into the handicapped area which can be hard to get into.Yes,I do have a card as they have limited mobility.Don't think I could do anything about it if someone objected to it but most people are reasonable.

curlcrown, Jan 4, 6:38pm
Once at a big event a mate of mine with a mobilty card parked his car in a normal car park early, when I arrived latter and the car park was full he moved his car into one of the half dozen or so mobility spaces and I parked where he was. A bit cheeky I know.

elect70, Jan 4, 7:18pm
If your in a wheelchair get lots of preferential treatment . I remember the World Fair in Brisbane ,they became suspicous of the amount of wheelchair people & minders comming in as they had special entrance& the rest of the plebsqued for hour or more. Once inside theyfolded the chair& walked around .A rowd wasactuallyhiring wheelchairs

socram, Jan 4, 10:12pm
Not cheeky - clever.Use all systems to your advantage without breaking the law.

granada, Jan 4, 10:54pm
Have been duped a few times in busy shopping centre carparks. Have seen someone waiting to vacate and have sat waiting with my indicater onready to take their spot, If the car vacates the wrong way it leaves it open for someone to just zoom in and steal your park. I now get my wife to get out of the car and hold the park until I can get in. If someone tries to dupe you they have to run her over, a few smiles and waves and friendly hand signals usually work. There are ignorant rsoles old there

tonyrockyhorror, Jan 4, 10:57pm
Except the law of common decency.

trogedon, Jan 4, 10:58pm
.and bad spellers too!

granada, Jan 4, 11:00pm
My 80 plus year old dad whom has disabiliuty card and only one leg was in a shopping centre and tried to park in a disabled park. Found it was already taken and the driver was (young malewith cap on backwards) still in the car. Dad grabbed his attention and asked him politely if he was disabled and entitled to park there. He was told to FFFF off and mind his own business. Dad found another car park but as he went past the young guys car he removed the valves out of all of his tyres. As he walked away he explained to the security guard that ifthe young fellow wasnt disabled before he certainly is now.

granada, Jan 4, 11:03pm
LOL, ,My english is gooder than yours

tonyrockyhorror, Jan 4, 11:17pm
Ignorant of the word arrogant.

marte, Jan 4, 11:47pm
On a streetside parralel parking space, do you have to back into it!
I got taught this way by my driving instructor.

Backing in leaves it open for a second car to drive right in, then do some unnessery moves to get in position.

But by backing in you, have indicators on, indicating your movements & your reversing lights on, indicating you are reversing, 1 up on the drive right on in person.
and it only takes 1/2 the time.

socram, Jan 5, 1:55am
It is perfectly legal for a disabled person to occupy an open park place.

richynuts, Jan 5, 3:33am
I wind up other drivers by sitting in my car with the reversing lights on while my wife does her shopping

tonyrockyhorror, Jan 5, 3:58am
A pinch of salt makes a good substitute for milk in coffee if you've run out.

hillmont, Jan 5, 4:06pm
Many, many moons ago parked the car in Days Bay, around 30 seconds later car pulls up beside me and tells me to move on as they had seen that park first and had just turned around to be able to use it. Told them they were wrong and it was now my park. Woman gets all upset and says she works for a driving school and it is her park and to move, well not exactly in those words. The then girlfriend ( Hello Judy), who had such a cutting wit, leans over smiles sweetly and tells her it is such a pity that she doesn't work in a charm school. So much more effective than me flipping the bird.

gwimweeper, Jan 5, 5:03pm
Lol.Good one !

trogedon, Jan 5, 5:20pm
A customer / friend of mine came over to see me having had an argument with a woman over a parking space earlier in the day. He seems to have been in the right ??

mike77, Jan 5, 7:49pm
I try to get this through to the misus,. there is nothing wrong with walking some distance to where you want to go! There must be something to do with our evolved Monkey brains that makes people feel some sense of power and accomplishment by parking in front of where they wish to shop.

mike77, Jan 5, 7:51pm
On the plus side, taking people to task who park in disabled parks is a bit of a pet sport. Usually the big un's are the best cause they don't expect anyone to say anything.

trogedon, Jan 5, 8:10pm
You're right. Walking an extra 20 metres or something is good for us.

gadgetman, Jan 11, 3:43am
I had a mobility card couple years ago but I got sick of arguing with those lazy morons who were not entitled to use those parks.
So I got sick of arguing with them morons and paying for the card.
So I gave up the card and now park further away and either walk or use my 4- wheel kick scooter.
Occasionally I see them morons parked illegally on the mobility parks. I go standing up taller than them next to their car window and say that because of you lazy, useless morons I gave up using my mobility card!

johnf_456, Jan 11, 3:48am
That is just horrible, sorry to hear that. Not to mention the abuse you cop for pointing out there wrong, just don't toot like I found out today.

johnf_456, Jan 11, 3:48am
Totally, its nothing more than pure laziness.

gadgetman, Sep 6, 1:01pm
I often ask those lazy morons parking on mobility parks illegally to do 5 push ups as a punishment.
Then if they don't do it I say that because you are so lazy I can do them for you !
I walk with stcks as I am a walking para. So me doing the pushups makes me feel more able than those lazy morons. If they do the push ups I get a satisfaction too. Either way I try not to get wound up by them and try to embarass them instead.