When will they learn

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johnf_456, Jan 10, 8:22pm
Just had a crazy bit of road rage, not sure if he is a P head or what. Upon entering a on ramp out in henderson, waiting at the lights like normal. Then this motorcyclist in a black / red bike in the right lan realizes at the last minute hes in the wrong lane so decides to cut me off leaving a m or 2 of space from my front bumper. Causing me to brake abrupt to avoid running him over. I toot to they say "hey watch it, i am here" in case he didn't see me. Pulls the fingers at me I ignore him, then mouths off then bashes the windows causing a small scratch on my drivers door window at 80k's, then has the check to use all sorts of words to abuse me that can't be said here after exiting the motorway.

When will they ever learn that I probably saved his life, obviously his ego is too high. Does anyone else find this with motorcyclists having a big ego, its just a disgrace to the honest bike community in NZ. Yes we all make mistakes at times but owning up is a big step vs ignoring it and abusing the person pointing out the wrong / saving you from injury / death.

I am not the sort to go tooting for the sake of it but for safety that is what its there for. If anyone witnessed this around 1pm today, feel free to put his plate here I was a bit in shock as you do and with a terrified partner in the car so we didn't get his plate sadly

bellky, Jan 10, 8:24pm
people are stressed out - that's a/the problem i reckin'

friendly_prawn, Jan 10, 8:34pm
people dont like been tooted at period. They see it as some sort of major insult regardless of whether they are in the wrong.
Tooting your horn at some one seems to highly offend people and often causes road rage.
Humans are very strange creatures lol

johnf_456, Jan 10, 8:40pm
Very true mate, they take it as a insult for sure against their ego. Despite the fact they are wrong, if you can't use the horn to alert / warn someone of a possible collision without getting abused what can you do!

We all make mistakes as humans, but not everyone accepts that.

sw20, Jan 10, 8:45pm
Probably more angry that you alerted others to his poor riding behaviour by tooting.

johnf_456, Jan 10, 8:46pm
Probably right, he is such a disgrace to the biker community.

richard198, Jan 10, 8:48pm
He's an idiot clearly (as well as being a disgrace to the biking community)
I get it all the time from all sorts; even a truckie today pulled out right in front of me on a roundabout causing me stop! He'd seen me coming. When I tooted my horn, he stopped on the roundabout! (After glaring at me for a few seconds, he drove on)
That's the irony of these situations; when someone is in the wrong and we avoid the accident; we get the abuse!
Chill, move on, Karma will sort them out!

ginga4lyfe, Jan 10, 8:49pm
This but i do agree with this.

johnf_456, Jan 10, 8:51pm
Hopefully karma will sort it and yeah exactly right richard198
ginga4lyfe: aren't censored swear words allowed like you get a beep on tv for example!

berg, Jan 10, 9:14pm
There's always going to be one idiot in every group (we have a fist waving, traffic cutting idiot on a Harley here who's a prime example) but I think we bikers suffer worse. Rode to Wgtn today with Mrs Berg, thanks tosser in the silver Pulsar hatch who came out of Grenada Nth for throwing your cig butt out the window just after making a big show of passing the two bikes travelling legally and thanks to the complete penis (possibly a tiny one) in the builders silver Hiace who decided to pass the motorbike in the passing lane up the Brooklyn hill then just push me into the kerb when the passing lane ran out. Not sure where he thought he was going as I was already following two other cars. Weigh anchor drivers and riders are everywhere.

johnf_456, Jan 10, 9:16pm
Thats scary berg, was everyone okay!

shayne45, Jan 10, 9:32pm
Watch your words there John.

berg, Jan 10, 9:32pm
Yep all good. We tend to ride on the defensive anyway so no worries

johnf_456, Jan 10, 9:36pm
Why, what did I do wrong! :P

shayne45, Jan 10, 9:36pm
Wellington is so bad for it. I hate driving here as everybody has to be there 1st! No one merges correctly. Who ever pushes the farthest has right of way it would seem.

berg, Jan 10, 9:45pm
Yep. We have been watching the fun and games now happening in the main street of Waikanae (State Hwy 1) since they closed the Waikanae passing lanes. Seems it has just moved the impatience and bad habits further north to the first two lane piece. The amount of people running the lights just to get one or two cars ahead is shocking. Mrs Berg does 660kms a week on her bike so is always on the lookout. She had mine a few weeks ago when an idiot turned in front of her into Caltex Adalade Rd. She said she know knows what a "stoppie" feels like and is thankful I taught her to always have two fingers covering the brake lever.

i-n-horz, Jan 10, 9:52pm
Too right berg.I think of it as,I'm a dartboard and everything else are darts potentially coming at me.

bellky, Jan 10, 10:01pm
yeah what did he do wrong!

friendly_prawn, Jan 10, 10:17pm
I got a warning for putting the first letter of a swear word then using asterixes. you had to guess which swear word I meant. Still got a warning. lol

johnf_456, Jan 11, 12:17am
Far out, I can understand raw s words but blocked out

clay229, Jan 11, 4:43am
Someone might report you

clay229, Jan 11, 4:44am

ginga4lyfe, Jan 11, 5:04am
Gone are the days of "freedom of expression" , there are more details in the "ricer convention" thread, basictly though they/some plonker that i had basictly said " ( Dont<insert word here> with the Yakuza ) " the "insert word" was like Prawny says the initial letter masked over with symbols, there should be absolutly no harm in what i had done but i seam to have gotten the same punishment as you would if you posted someones contact details online so someone could find them and harm them. its completely outrageous that they have blanket punishment , they just dont seam to work with common sense!

n1smo_gtir, Jan 11, 6:59am
i got warning too for censoring with astrix. wat a load of bulls. this is suppose to be an adult community where you can only sign up if you are over 18.

friendly_prawn, Jan 11, 12:14pm
It's a publicly accepted form of writing showing what some one has said.
Even the news papers publish swear words with asterixes as in this article.
Reporting some one is no longer about some one being offended but about some one not liking you. I have seen full swear words many times in this forumthat have stayed there with out being reported. It is after all an r18 site. Yet othersget warned for doing the right thing and trying to hide them. Thats because if some one has been upset by your views in the past he may skip over a swear word that he is not offended by to report your asterix hidden swear word because he doesnt like you.
It's no longer about people being offended but about whether you are liked.

Thats the reason they need to bring back the need for multiple reports of content before they consider issuing warning.