Hey troggie Um why do trddlies scare me?

kazbanz, Jan 11, 4:47am
Today I'm driving down a suburban road at 50km/h. I get to a typical X intersection controlled by lights. The lights are green so other than foot hovering over brake pedal I start tocarry on through straight ahead.I spotted a flash of movement to my right between the cars stopped on the red light
Out straight in front of me sprints a "mature gentleman' all licra'd up on his road race bike. I swerved to the right to avoid hitting him.
He carried on his merry way utterly oblivious of how close he came to death.
Mate I'm sorry but its idiots/suicidal folk like that onewho are the reason I feel push bikes should all display a registration and pay ACC
Sure as eggs is eggs the story would go that car driver hit innocent bicycle rider

pup2, Jan 11, 4:50am
As a cyclist Kaz, I say you should have just collected him. It's the ones like him (& hers as well) that wreck it for the rest of us.

kazbanz, Jan 11, 4:53am
Mate- Honestly could YOU look yaself in the face if you killed another human being.!I know I couldn't-besides I'm dad to 5 treddlie riders so I'm seriously hoping this whole carma thing rubs off onto them.
So instead I'll do a whinge and moan on the MMB

rustihammer, Jan 11, 6:27am
Riders like that let every other law abiding cyclist down.What a complete and utter muppet.Probably had his Ipod cranked up too.

fordkiwi27, Jan 11, 6:30am
yep heaps of lycra riders out hogging the road at the mo,get out of my way!

johnf_456, Jan 11, 6:35am
Just the same as bikers on motor bikes like I experienced, when coming close to death we cop the abuse.

trogedon, Jan 11, 7:55pm
He's some Dickhead who thinks he's a 50 years old Lance A. Unfortunately he's probably reveling in being able to go through red lights and won't learn until he's slidding across the tarmac.

socram, Jan 11, 7:58pm
Does anyone have the prosecution figures (if any) for cyclists going through red lights!

pup2, Jan 11, 8:00pm

Good to see we are known for attitude towards cyclists internationally.NOT

pup2, Jan 11, 8:03pm
Was just a tongue in cheek comment. Iv'e been over the bonnet of a car that ran a stop sign. Wouldn't wish it for anyone and these days i'm very careful with my girls when they are riding.

kazbanz, Jan 11, 8:06pm
But how doya prosecute when there is no rego /no need to be licenced in any way!

i-n-horz, Jan 11, 8:16pm
ks and even pedestrians.they come in all ages and all walks of life and it's not so much what vehicle they use but what part of the brain they do or don't use.

modie61, Jan 11, 8:21pm
Did he have his ipod in his lugs kaz !

smac, Jan 11, 8:30pm
Pull 'em over.

johnf_456, Jan 11, 8:32pm
I know but just lately in my experience its always motorbikes, yeah its probably me but its what I have noticed. There is some great riders who obey the rules, but there are some shockers giving the good ones a bad name. All because they don't like that someone has noticed what they did wrong.

kazbanz, Jan 11, 8:38pm
To be honest he was motoring and I was more worried about not hitting him

dr.doolittle, 5 days, 5 hours
I'd wager that the ratio of bad/incompetentdriving by motorists endangering cyclists or motorcyclist is by far greater than that done by cyclists/motorcyclists.