Diff ratio,s, need some help

paull, Jan 11, 5:14pm
i have a 1993 mitsubishi canter with a 2.8 5spd and the diff is 4.44 and it screams its head of at 90-100 ks, now i understand they have a high ratio diff for when they are carrying heavy loads but i never carry anything but our mountain bikes and fishing rods.
I want to change the diff but am unsure what ratio to go to so how can i work this out or what will be a better ratio to look for, thx Paul

pico42, Jan 11, 6:37pm
If you only carry mountain bikes and fishing rods, perhaps get a different vehicle!

Diff wise, lower the ratio number to address your problem.

petermcg, Jan 12, 12:36am
Diff ratios are sometimes mis represented. I think you have it right, the high ratio diff is a low speed diff,, if you have 4.44 now I dont think there will be a higher speed diff available for your truck,, Maybe you could look at your tyre size and see if you can get taller ones.

skull, Jan 12, 1:18am
Paull diff ratios are expressed as how many turns of the pinion (driveshaft) it takes to give you 1 turn of the rear wheels, in your case it is 4.44 driveshaft turns to 1 wheel revolution. A high ratio dif is one with a lower number so a 3.55 dif would mean 3.55 turns of the driveshaft to 1 wheel revolutionso nearly about 20% faster for the same engine revs. I doubt you will find a 3.5 ratio for a truck though. As poster #3 says bigger wheels/tyres may be the option.

paull, Sep 9, 9:14pm
thanks for the replys, have talked to a few guys today in the industry and they seem to think a campervan will have a diff suitable for my needs, so all i have to do now is find one being wrecked,