17k,, What the?

NZTools, Jan 13, 10:50pm
If he painted the bonnt and nose cone the same colour as the rest of the car, and left the scoop black, it wouldnt loo too bad.

amie10, Jan 13, 10:50pm
$1700 maybe it is a typo! Surely a typo!

johnf_456, Jan 14, 1:24am
That is disappointing, my project one is far better

trogedon, Jan 14, 3:04pm
It looks like its grown a beard! (all the same colour would look much better).

les6, Jan 14, 3:14pm
at least we have all seen this one!

johnf_456, Jan 14, 3:41pm
its a project I just dont feel the need to brag to everyone with pictures.

alan1111, Jan 14, 3:45pm

skull, Jan 14, 3:48pm
Don't worry John, if you put photos up we would never think it was bragging, you would be accused of photoshopping.

morrisman1, Jan 14, 3:48pm
just with words!

johnf_456, Jan 14, 3:51pm
yup so no point, anyways time go work on it

i-n-horz, Jan 14, 5:08pm

sheepey, Sep 19, 10:08am
Those colours make it look like a old Dunedin call a cab!