I read your comment re. overdrive in a thread here. Could you please tell thisuneducated car lady more about OD! You said to drive 100km with overdrive on. I thought it was just for hills etc!Thanks. Valleystream.
Jan 14, 4:19am
Ok --Um in simple terms most people just throw a car into D for drive and let the car do the thinking. --which at 100km/h is just fine. But in a 50km/h zone for best economy you should drive with the overdrive off. Basicly heck its easier just to forget about it :-)
Jan 14, 4:24am
Yeah I have overdrive off usually. But do long distance driving at around 100km. Should I have overdrive on then for more fuel efficiency!
Jan 14, 4:26am
Hi Valleystream,
Yep just leave it on and forget it exists. It's an extra gear. When you are travelling on a motorway for example having that extra gear engaging will lower your revs and allow you to use less fuel. If you disengage it while on the motorway you'll notice your car will chop down to a lower gear and your revs will climb and so will your fuel bill. As Kaz said, just leave it on and forget it exists.Easiest option.
Hang on a mo--Um people get a tadd confused about od on or off --if the od is OFF there will be an orange light on the dash. if its not on then you are driving with OD ON
Jan 14, 4:41am
Shit! HAHAHA. I am such a dumbass. The overdrive light goes orange and says "Overdrive Off". I thought that was a reminder to turn it off! WTF! Have I been driving wrong all these years!
Jan 14, 4:42am
So to clarify, I drive around and there is no light. So I am doing it wrong.
Jan 14, 4:47am
I just leave auto in D with O/D on, unless I am towing in which case i take O/D off
Jan 14, 4:51am
O.M.G. I think I have been driving around thinking overdrive is off when it's on. Why would they make it so the light stays on when the overdrive is off! It would be annoying seeing that light on all the time.
Jan 14, 4:59am
because it is a warning - to help you protect your engine and transmission parts
like putting hazard lights on etc .
Jan 14, 5:03am
Because the normal thing to do is to leave the OD on (light out) Whilst there can be some benefits to have the OD off (light on) round town @ 50km it is not that important, so as Kaz says the simplest thing to do is leave it on all the time (light off) The only time it is critical that you have it off (light on) is if you are towing something, as you can do some serious damage under certain conditions (heavy loads etc)
Jan 14, 5:06am
Ok got it. Cheers.
Jan 14, 5:47am
Personally I think the light should only be lit up on the dash when overdrive is on, and no light when overdrive is offwhich is most of the time so why have a light on most of the time!
Jan 14, 1:52pm
I think you are confused. The NORMAL thing (most of the time) to do is have O/D on (ie. light off). Less annoying that way, don't you think!
Jan 14, 3:01pm
I always thought having overdrive on around town made the car more sluggish! Thus use more fuel!
Sep 18, 10:56am
Depends on the car and how smart the transmission is. In most cases it can be left on around town without causing any problems.
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