Are you able to take the fly wheel in to your local machine shop, most have Carbide cutters that will beable to remove bolt and easy out without to much trouble
Jan 15, 12:31am
So hang on - is the bolt in the flywheel or the crankshaft flange!
Jan 15, 12:32am
yes can take the flywheel in somewhere but just thought would give it a go myself 1st
Jan 15, 12:34am
why wouldnt you replace the crank seal while the gearbox is on. Im not talking about getting the crank glowing red hot only hot enough to break down the thread lock. I have drilled out a few broken easy outs and drill bits with tungsten drill bits and i wouldnt be suprised if the broken easy out is just a cheap crap one from super cheap. The flywheel bolt holes do not go right through the flywheel flange on rb engines
Jan 15, 12:35am
sorry carbide drill bits was what i was thinking of not tungsten
Jan 15, 12:39am
OK, rus1111, you definately need to get the metric version of this Be a lot cheaper than taking it to a machine shop.
Jan 15, 12:59am
Drill it and use a easy-out. A good easy-out only has 4 sides and not as twisted as the shyt sets sold at the likes of repco.
Or use a hammer and a pin punch and unscrew it.
Jan 15, 2:02am
Easy out, the most misnamed tool ever invented!
hey rus111, you do realise those buggers are having you on about the special tool!
Jan 15, 2:08am
Why do you say that!- it'd have been the perfect tool for the job.
Sep 21, 3:11pm
If he had one of those tools he would have the snapped bolt out by now, and the car back together, and probably exiting mc'ds with a happy meal.
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