Need help to identify jetski.

rayzor14, Jan 15, 11:39pm
I have just inherited a jetski but have limited idea what it is.
Here is what we do know.
1. It is a Kawasaki sit down model
2. It is a 2 stroke 750cc
3. It is from our memory about late 90s vintage.

What I cant find on it is any information showing a specific model number or anything like that.

Would be helpful if anyone can point us in the right direction as we would like to get cracking and sell it once we know what it is and how to price it.

tonyrockyhorror, Jan 15, 11:47pm
Congratulations on your epic fail thread. We have even less to go on than you. At least you can SEE it.

rayzor14, Jan 16, 12:12am
Congratulations on your truly meaningful contribution.
I didnt expect someone to pop up and say "its a model XYZ" but was hoping someone might be able to point us to where on the machine to look for model numbers etc.

berg, Jan 16, 12:19am
Serial number can usually be found on the left rear of the ski. Another trick is to Google 90s Kawasaki jets I pics and match what you have up from there. Twin Carb or single! Auto mix oiling or self mixing!

gadgit3, Jan 16, 12:26am
The HIN plate is located at the rear of the hull. It will begin with the prefix ???KAW??? or "US-KAW if an import. Once you have this number you can work out year and model with a simple google

rayzor14, Jan 16, 12:26am
I have tried google and the closest I came was an SS750 although it was a different colour with different graphics everything else looked to be in roughly the right place.
It is definitely twin carb and I imagine auto oiling, has the fuel tank up front with a large oil tank under the seat.

berg, Jan 16, 12:36am
Yep, sounds Ike the same engine as my 97 750cc poleski. Keep a real good eye on the oil usage. If it looks to slow down vrs how much fuel you are using its a huge warning sign. The auto oiler system can fail and they end up burning fuel only thus destroying the engine.
The other thing to check thoroughly is the gaskets round the carbs. Any air leaks cause rough running and worse running lean which can also cause catistrophic failure.

rayzor14, Jan 16, 12:42am
Wicked. Thanks for that info.
We are just going to get it a thorough check over and put it up for a quick sale to be honest.

berg, Jan 16, 12:56am
They will tow a skier but not with an observer also on the ski. Depending on the hull they are also quite stable. Should sell OK.

r15, Jan 16, 4:57am
if its a sit down jobbie from the 90s its most likely a 750ZX and if it's twin carb 750ZXi

as for oil mixer- ditch it, pre mix your fuel. not only will you end up with a more precise measurement, it doesnt allow parts failure to kill your engine at a random moment without your knowledge

rayzor14, Sep 25, 11:03am
Cheers for that. Any idea what ratio should I mix it at!