Aussie Muscle Enthasiast Magazine

anarot, Jan 16, 10:59pm
Does anyone know where abouts in Auckland I can get this mag from!
I have picked up a couple of issues when I was in Melbourne last, it's a great read with fantastic cars.
I have contacted them via there facebook page and have been told it'savailable in NZ but he can't tell me where. I have been to a couple of mags shops and asked them about it but they don't seem to be of any help.

sifty, Jan 16, 11:12pm
maybe if you spell it enthusiast.!

why not subscribe! I love getting mags in the mail.

elect70, Jan 17, 3:43am
^^^ +1best way & far cheaper & reliable . I used to subscribe to severalUSmagsalways herebefore bookstores .

anarot, Sep 27, 12:17pm
True, U instead of A.
I looked at doing that, postage kills it a bit though. That is the last resort. I would rather go down to the local mag shop and buy it rather than rely on the postie.