i have a 1989 300zx tt z32 and i wanted to chang the fuel filter the shop handed me a skyline one and said it would work fine when i was instaling it i noticed it was quite abit smaller then the original one. will this mater!
Jan 17, 12:58am
No, as long as the fittings are the same.
Jan 17, 1:03am
yup it fit straight on its just the filter part is smaller. it wont cause it to run lean or anything will it! thanks heaps
Jan 17, 1:08am
cheers i just got my 300zx and i realy like it i wouldnt wont it to go pop
Jan 17, 1:13am
I hope you have the manual Twin turbo one, on mint shape and not modded, that will fetch you a mint in a decade!
Jan 17, 1:16am
its manual and twin turbo but its got a full exhaust, filter upgrade and ecu chip
Jan 17, 1:24am
Nice, just make sure the cooling system is spot on at all times.
Jan 17, 1:27am
i think its had a cooling upgrade to it has an electric fan aswell as a belt driven one im not sure if thats normal it looks like a new radiator to
Jan 17, 1:44am
They have an electric A/C fan on the front of the A/C Condenser and a Viscous/Belt driven fan behind in the engine bay.
Very nice car. I have a '89 TT as well but mine is Auto, but have done quite a bit of work on it. Sign up to the NZ300zx forum, lots of great info, discount parts/import stuff etc. www.300zx.co.nz
Jan 17, 1:48am
cheers i will do that. i was thinking bout putting an electronic boost controler on do you no whats a safe psi to run them on
Jan 17, 2:01am
Stock turbos are good for 15psi, but you wouldn't want to run anything more then 12.5-13psi regularly.
You can get boost jets that go in the wastegate lines that control the boost, most common size sets it to 12.5psi. You would want a tune etc to go with it - theres a guy on here who does ECU Chips for these for around $99 that suit 12.5-13psi. Though on mine I also upgraded to 550cc Injectors as well so theres no risk of detonation
Jan 17, 2:06am
what sort of tune would i need. like just a normal one or a full on race one!
Jan 17, 2:10am
I think Ive got a couple of origonal mags of one of those, just what you need for your caravan or trailer.
Jan 17, 2:17am
thanks il have to get one of those, is it very hard to upgrade the injectors!
Jan 17, 2:19am
Yeah it can be. You can either carefully dremel around the intake making sure you don't take off too much material so as to create an air leak, or the more sensible but time consuming method of pulling off the upper plenum
Jan 17, 2:25am
taking of the plenum is probably less risky would you recomend getin a mechanic to do it or is it easy enuf to do by myself!
Jan 17, 2:28am
It is a bit of a job, there is a lot of wiring and hoses and junk connected to it, it's not too hard just time consuming. When the plenums off there is some common bypass's that people do that make it a whole lot easier for next time and simplifies the engine bay quite a bit. If your not too confident you would be better off getting a Mechanic to do it - but make sure its someone familiar with these cars. Actually, I see your in CHCH, So I'm happy to lend a hand when/if required :)
Sep 28, 9:04am
that would be awsome if i came acros a problem my good friend is gana give me a hand and im gana workshop manual
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