how often do you change them! difficulty to get at! 1997 Nissan Maxima.A work mate had his wifes chamnged while it was service in her mini cooper and it cost approx $200 to change So he googled his C240 Merc and found that some are under the bonnet and some are under the glove box. He pulled it out and it was full of leaves and dust so he blew it out with compressed air, but it was still a bit grubby. He's going to get a new filter and fit it himself.
Jan 18, 4:30am
Does your Maxima even have a pollen filter! Some cars don't.
Jan 18, 4:37am
Usually behind the glovebox and well worth replacing. $200 is a lot, try a USA web site and get one in for $60-$80, Ryco have them as well
No, but every car should have them to keep the evaporator coil clean. As time goes by, the coil will get dirty, corroded and blocked, and the only way to clean them is to pull the dashboard apart (in most cases) in order to get to it, so you can physically wash them.
Jan 29, 3:57am
Well I took the glove box out of the 1997 Cefiro /Maxima and couldn't find any obvious signs of a cover to extract a filter from the aircond and ventilation system. Perhaps these cars (esp in RHD) don't have them!
Jan 30, 2:48am
What experiences of other owners of filter equiped aircond cars.
Jan 30, 6:17pm
Our VW polo has one.Cost about $40 from the dealer and replaced myself in a couple of minutes.It is located in the footwell behind the glovebox.On the other hand our toyota doesn't have one that I can see from the manual or general observation
Jan 30, 6:29pm
What year make and model is your toyota!
Jan 30, 6:40pm
our 2002 toyota has one and did our 2002 mondeo. they both smelled yuk inside them until we changed the filters.then a nice smelling car could even drop a bit of air freshener in one corner for a bit of fresh scent wafting
Jan 30, 6:49pm
2002 ipsum 240s
Jan 30, 7:21pm
2002 should have a cavity for a cabin air filter, though probably not one fitted. They go in behind the glovebox, pull out glovebox and their is a long retangular plastic cover on the heater box. if so, this is where the filter goes.
Jan 30, 7:39pm
yup our ipsum has a filter.remove glovebox and youll see a 25mm or so tall rectangle as wide as the glovebox.thats the pollen filter. you can get a generic repco one to fit.just google "avensis verso pollen filter" and you will find the aussie sites with the part numbers for the filter.
RCA104P is the part number
Jan 31, 3:03pm
cheers will have a look, only had the car a month so haven't had a chance to look properly yet.
Feb 1, 12:55am
I rang ford to ask them where it was in our AU2 XR6 the service department told me " its just under the glove box you can see a slot just press the center of the slot, it will pop out just slide out the filter and replace with a new Genuine FORD filter very simple to do!" well after 10mins or so of just looking for the slot with no luck, i decided to take the car to the local FORD dealership and let them do it, After waiting 30mins while the "mechinc" did his job I finally got my car back " no charge " they said, great I thought , then they said " just one small problem with your car, this model doesnt have cabin filters only from the BA models have them. So it took a mechinc 30 mins to realise that he was looking at a AU2 and not a BAhad a bit of a laugh on way home.
Nov 27, 6:45am
haha he's probably only used to seeing them from under the engine!
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