The things you find when clearing an estate, way in the back of a very dark basement. a 1951 Vanguard Beetleback ! and to top the day off.under an old dusty sack, two spare motors and gearboxes for it! what the hell to do with it!
Jan 18, 4:03pm
List on here for a 1 dollar reserve and see what happens or scrap metal.
Jan 18, 4:05pm
cool take some pics!
Jan 18, 4:44pm
good derby car.
Jan 18, 5:04pm
Nice. What sort of condition! I used to love those old cars when I was a kid. Good wheels for a lot of Kiwi families. Go anywhere, easy to fix. Charismatic.
Jan 18, 7:11pm
had to look it up, quite a cool looking old bus.
Jan 18, 7:12pm
restore it!
Jan 18, 7:30pm happy to give you some feedback on restoration possibilities, (or value,)etc, if you want. ( I've had a couple of these old girls !) You can get hold of us easy enough. just click on my username. there's a services listing there ( "Restoration" etc, etc ) you can get in touch with us by email.
Jan 18, 7:36pm
I brought one off trademe a while ago. Dead plates. There is another for sale right now,auction #409704232
It seems they are/were quite popular, they have a Fergison tractor engine & can run on coal gas.
The one I have is in quite good condition, a little rust & bolt the whole thing back together & redo the brakes & etc & it'd be great.
Get some pics, I'd love to see it. Theres a Vanguard owners club in NZ too.
Jan 18, 7:57pm
that's ^^ been for sale for a looooooong time.
Jan 19, 12:56pm
To understand why the English love their cars of the 1960s.
.you only need to look at English cars of the 1950s.
Jan 19, 1:48pm
Really, got an addy or a contact no. ! I cant find one.
Jan 19, 3:04pm
My dad had one of those Vanguards as a company car when I was a kid, we nicknamed it the Bumble Bee.
Jan 19, 6:44pm
Haha, we called ours 'The Rat boot' The side profile looks like the back end of a rat. I knew Dad had had a Vanguard, though I thought it was a normal sedan, from a photo I found. It wasn't untill I saw one, during a Vanguard rally in Ingill, that I relised a memory from childhood, ie age 4 that I KNEW of the shape of the car (though I didn't know the name of the car then, too fast to read). Then reading a random post on the net, where they had a running joke about the 'Standard Viking Vanguard' I figured out it was a Vanguard. Then finding one on Trademe I put the lot together. And brought one. The paints really thin, but really strong & good, size of the cars actually smaller than you think, 4 people at most, no real actual boot space, more room under the bonnet.
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