Turning right at an uncontrolled intersection

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gt1275, Jan 19, 1:16am
Picture 5 and 6 who has to give way either I have got it wrong or simply people dont do it

danni_2254, Jan 19, 1:18am
Majority of the population has it wrong, It should be a permanent question on the test I think.

gt1275, Jan 19, 1:20am
who has to give way blue or red car

likit, Jan 19, 1:20am
Blue car gives way in all pictures except 1st one where no one has to

danni_2254, Jan 19, 1:21am
The arrow showing where they are going tells you, broken line = give way. Solid line = right of way.

gunhand, Jan 19, 1:21am
I always understood it as if you are going to hit the right hand side of the vehicle you give way to it.Or the easy one, if its it bigger than you give way lol.

danni_2254, Jan 19, 1:22am
Or if it has a light bar on top. Or a gun rack

richard198, Jan 19, 1:40am
It's going to be irrelevant in March!

bashfulbro, Jan 19, 2:40am
it`s simple, if two vehicles are turning right you give way to the one approaching from your right.
many drivers think that because they are on the main road and turning right, they have R.O.W.wrong

taipan4, Jan 19, 3:05am
5am 27th March 2012 it will all change, back to the old rules but not much publicity about it

cjdnzl, Jan 19, 3:27am
Close, but wrong.The quote is, if you would be hit on your driver's door then you give way.That is, you give way to the car on your right.
But that will change in March, when left-turning cars will have right of way.I'm still not sure that it's the right thing though.

crzyhrse, Jan 19, 3:41am
5am Sunday 25th March 2012.

jmma, Jan 19, 3:44am
Welcome back (o:

3962, Jan 19, 4:28am
I thought it was going to change one instance. For example picture 3. When crossing the centre line, you give way, in case the car turning left has traffic behind it, going straight ahead. It will look pretty stupid if we start giving way to your left on a round-a-bout.

tonyrockyhorror, Jan 19, 4:34am
Not one instance. All roads to a roundabout have a GIVE WAY sign and vehicles on the roundabout are not turning - they are following the centreline - they have RoW.

tonyrockyhorror, Jan 19, 4:35am
Close! Not even. It's the complete opposite!

tonyrockyhorror, Jan 19, 4:37am
No, just the vehicle that gives way reverses. The scary thing is that the people already doing it wrong, the majority, are going to do the opposite to what they do now, thinking they were right all along, and then they'll still be doing it wrong!

richard198, Jan 19, 4:46am
If the vehicle giving way reverses then the OP's concerns are irrelevant; since what they may concern themselves with now will no longer apply in March.

You're right about lots of people getting it wrong now though!
I'm sick of having to give way to people who just "take" the right of way instead of being "given" it as they are supposed to do.
It won't be a moment too soon when they change back; it's always been a dangerous law.

gusthe1, Jan 19, 12:53pm
But on 2 of those pictures theres only 1 car at the intersection. Ooops, sorry, there is a bicycle going through.

gedo1, Jan 19, 1:41pm
At present for uncontrolled intersections it is really simple.Give way to the right.However soon it will change so that there are variables.Woulda thort it woulda been better to stick to the simple to suit us simple drivers.oh, well. We can't even get the simple things right.

smac, Jan 19, 2:11pm
Rather than being logical, it's more about being the same as the rest of the world.

holdenboy11, Feb 11, 10:51pm
That's very far from the truth.Give way to the right!

* If there is a left turning car and right turning car going into the same road, they are on each others right.
* If there is a car coming out of a terminating road on an uncontrolled intersection, they have right of way, but not according to your 'rule'.

tmenz, Feb 11, 11:32pm
Pictures 6, 8 & 9 are the ones that change.

gardie, Feb 11, 11:36pm
I certainly got it wrong but then, I tend to give way just to be sure.I would have thought that the person on the main road (the blue car in these instances) would have had the right of way.Just as well I haven't had a accident!

smac, Feb 12, 1:13am
Huh! How has what you said got anything to do with what you quoted from me! It's not MY rule.