Fill a petrol vehicle at a gas station while the engine is running!
Jan 19, 2:14am
and smoke hanging out mouth (o:
Jan 19, 2:22am
Give it a go mate and you tell us.
Jan 19, 2:26am
Frankly not very dangerous with a modern vehicle IMO. I think 90% of the hype from servos is to protect themselves from liability in the event of something turning to crud.
Jan 19, 2:26am
As long as the fire stays inside the engine wheres the problem.
Jan 19, 2:26am
cant be too bad we do it at work all the time, thats with diesel
Jan 19, 2:29am
Big ol planes do it in the air and there motors are running.I hope. But i guess if your pouring fuel all over the running motor things could get out of hand.Fuel needs an ignition source and a running motor at the other end isnt a great threat (unless it has some serious issues) I wouldnt think. But you wouldnt want 6 cars all running and filling up at same time because theres that two legged thing hanging onto the handle to worry about.
Jan 19, 2:32am
if you have a toyota supra with a 2 step limiter shooting flames out the rear things may get nasty
Jan 19, 2:53am
I've done it heaps of times when the battery is flat and I don't want to stop the car.
Jan 19, 2:53am
I was also wondering about keyless entry as the servos are paranoid about people using their cellphones while on the forecourt. Feedback please and I take it that it is not that dangerous to fuel a vehicle with petrol and the engine on idle!
Jan 19, 2:56am
we put gas in cars at work while they are running, nothing has happened yet lol in fact every1 in the same job does it. i think they tell ya not to do it just to be super safe.
Jan 19, 2:59am
Race cars dont turn the engines off when filling {ok some do} but fuel injected motors have a high pressure return that may throw more vapours into the atmosphere while filling with the engine running perhaps.Either way there would be little risk filling with the engine on,I have done it heaps of times when the battery has been flat and too dodgy to turn the motor off.
Jan 19, 2:59am
Newer cars have a sensor monitoring the fuel system for leaks to a closed system. If the engine is running and you're fueling the vehicle you are opening that closed system causing a "check engine" light to come on.
Just read this, how true is this statement!
Jan 19, 3:01am
Race cars are a different filler system (pressured filler tanks etc)
Jan 19, 3:09am
Even the fuel jug style ones !
Jan 19, 3:21am
If it's a pressured fill supply tank, it will have a ball valve system which is what most of the big pro teams use
Jan 19, 3:31am
hey do you know if you drop a lit cigarette into a puddle of gasoline it wont ignite.go ahead try it out.
As a rule that may be true, the vapor is way more dangerous BUT, would you stand in a puddle of petrol and give it ago lol, I know I wouldnt.
Jan 19, 4:14am
The question is- is it dangerous to fuel a petrol vehicle at a servo while the engine is running!
Jan 19, 4:22am
Yes, It might slip out of Park and cause real havoc (o:
Jan 19, 4:25am
No it isnt unless your car has something wrong with it and is an ignition source.
Biggest threat would be the spark from static as you get out of the car.
Jan 19, 4:33am
the servos are paranoid about people using their cellphones while on the forecourt. Feedback please there has been a fatalityin New Zealand caused by a cellphone call to the phone in the pocket of a person filling a vehicle from a fuel container. so don't fill ya lawnmower with ya cellphone in close proximity.
general public are idiot : way to many variables on a busy forecourt, its dangerous enuff for the employees working there, 1 guy left a rad cap off and now NO BP station in NZ will check your water/oil
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