How to freight a lawnmower.

paddyman, Jan 21, 9:04pm
to Invercargill from Auckland! Would a courier firm take it minus fuel and oil, I think thats there only rule!

alan1111, Jan 21, 9:08pm
Yep they will but gonna cost heaps. Be just about cheaper to buy a lawnmower in Auckland .

twaymouth, Jan 21, 9:10pm
Stick it on a pallet and take it to a freight company, won't cost that much.

pollymay, Jan 21, 9:28pm
Turn the blade over and use it like a hovercraft to drive there

summer-farms, Jan 21, 9:52pm

owene, Jan 21, 11:19pm
Pull it to bits and post each bit in a small envelope by regular mail. Be cheaper.

afer_daily, Jan 21, 11:49pm
walk it there and do lawns on the way .

paddyman, Jan 21, 11:50pm
Meant to say its only a push mower not a ride on.

saefuji, Jan 22, 3:04am
I've shipped a lawnmower through, yes it had to be drained of all liquids. I used their large items service. I had to check they would take it unpackaged, which they did (I just had to make sure the sender attached an address label).

owene, Jan 22, 3:38am
If it's only a pushmower, why are you talking abiut draining the fuel and oil out of it! Or is this just a wind-up!

paddyman, Jan 22, 5:13pm
Some courier firms Ive been told wont carry them with fuel or oil in them, not a wind up.

bigjerry, Oct 19, 1:57am
terminoligy i think mate. to some people a push mower means petrol mower. to some it means old school reel style.