Who can tell me what to use to remove rusty

ras39, Jan 21, 10:47pm
marks/stains from split radiator hose of poorly maintained cooling system!it's on underbonnet area including white paint, and it's on engine and trans parts including alloy rocker cover etc and has been there for some months.i'm sure one of you guys will know. t.i.a!

rocky0169, Jan 21, 10:56pm
acitone work! degreaser!water blaster !just a thought

muzz67, Jan 21, 11:00pm
used to be able to get CLR (Calcium Lime Rust) remover from Mitre10.

dyln.sampson, Jan 22, 12:52am
jiff! it works

grangies, Jan 22, 1:46am

grangies, Oct 17, 5:42am
To add to my above post.

Squirt the jiff liberally onto the affected areas and let sit for a minute.

Then rub the living shite out of the stains with a damp chux multi cloth or even an ultrafine white scotch-brite pad.

Atfer that rinse it all off with a trickling hose, and repeat again if necessary.