
angej1, Jan 22, 2:01am
man it poured down in the arvo!

fordkiwi27, Jan 22, 2:03am
thats me btw^ misses account.

cowboy110, Jan 22, 2:18am
Yep, got a bit filthy there for a while.They got down to the top 8 and I pulled the pin cos of the rain so I don't know who won or if they even finished.

fordkiwi27, Jan 22, 2:19am
yep we took off. i saw your 57 there eh!

cowboy110, Jan 22, 2:45am
Nah, mines off the road at the moment.Having to slum it in the Commodore.

fordkiwi27, Oct 18, 12:05pm
there was a blue 4 door 57 there. must have been a different one.i didnt get a good look at it. (bleating kid wanting food etc)