Cost to have front guard repainted?

steves73, Jan 23, 8:07am
mate dinged my guard on P11 Primera, so if i filed the ding with body filler and smoothed it out, took it too painters to cover in pearl white!

i guess the hole guard will need a covering of paint!
Can someone gimme an idea of $$ to have a guard repainted!

if its more than $80 i may aswell get a 2nd hand one in same colour.

gunhand, Jan 23, 8:14am
2nd hand one it is then.

steves73, Jan 23, 8:19am
so it would be more then $80!
how about umm. is there a place in Auckland that can computer colour match and mix paint! if so, where/who!
either i spray it myself or have it put in aerosol can to touch up area

mike107, Jan 23, 8:21am
Pick-a Part

gunhand, Jan 23, 8:24am
its a 3 layer pearl. base white, 2nd colour milky pearl then a clear coat. You need the clear to make it work. If you can find a good 2nd hand gaurd the correct colour go for it.Its not something you should do from a spry bomb if you care about the look of the paint.

marcos1, Jan 23, 8:34am
About $260 to paint the guard,$140 for a blend ,plus off and on parts, say $120, to fix your repair properly add another$180.
Plus GST of course.

steves73, Jan 23, 8:43am
my guard wouldve been fine if my mate didnt try to fill the small dins with filler and prime everywhere FFS

looks like a good 2nd hand guard is the go. thankies

steves73, Jan 25, 4:15am
well ive been looking for a needle in a haystack. close but no cigar.

found a close match guard in pearl white for cheap. the only way i can describe it, is that it is a brighter white in comparison, mine looks like a yellow. or faded. I can notice it easy especially in the sun, in the shade, can hardly notice. but then i know that ithas been replaced also

is there a easy way to match.spray a tinted clear over top!
i dont need a 100% match,

trogedon, Jan 25, 5:21am
Why isn't your 'helpful' mate making good on this!!

kazbanz, Jan 25, 5:31am
In all honesty steves it sounds like you mate has made a right ol mess so a painter aint gonna be keen to "just gun some paint" over the top of whatever has been done.
I feel your best option is to buy the guard that is closeish and fit it up yourself. THEN take the car to a painter to match it to the car propperly.
I see any other option being either VERY expensive or looking like a dogs dinner.
Pearls are not a kind of paint for a novice to cut their teeth on.

jason18, Oct 28, 1:17pm
Does it matter if its slightly different! Primeras are dirt cheap tobuy so you spending money on a car thats not worth it! Maybe your car needs a polish to look like the new guard!