had some one wanting to use astraight as 1967 RHD 2 door Chev impala as a deposit on my house. Got an email this arvo saying he cant come up with the rest of the finance so it's not going to happen. I could have seen myself cruising around in it. Would have been so cool.bummer.Wanted one ever since I saw cheech and chongs movie up in smoke where they cruise around in a 64 Impala. *sigh* oh well back to the drawing board.
Damn it FP! Back to the convertable bmw for you mate!
Jan 23, 8:51pm
You on facebook FP!
Jan 23, 8:54pm
67 chev impalas were the cars then.
THEN OIL shot up and we have not looked back since.
Shafted since. us Kiwi.
Saw a beautiful winged car y/day.almost as rare as RRs.
Jan 23, 11:04pm
Next door neighbour has a mint one FP.So if you ever manage to make it around here and he is home, he won't mind you drooling! Stepson also had an Impala for a while.On TM, in the specialist car sections, when I last had a whizz through, I am sure there were several up for sale.
Jan 23, 11:51pm
My neighbour has a great 1961 4 door pillar-less Impala, he was at Kumeu on Saturday. Don't think he wants to move to Gisborne tho. Cost him over $50K so far.
Jan 24, 12:02am
So Cheech and Chong arn't in good with the banks then!
Jan 24, 12:05am
friendly_prawn - do you really have a convertable BMW!
Jan 24, 5:12am
I started an account and used my contacts to find friends. After a wave of messages, from people wanting to join my friends list, I realised how much of my time it was going to chew up so closed the account. Must have had a few friends who thought "what a rude xxxxx" lol Will get around to rejoining as I find the time. I'll look you up when I do.
Jan 24, 5:16am
I dont think I'll ever get around to buying one. I only looked at this because he was going to use it as a deposit on my house and it was well priced.Must admit though I have spent the last couple of days crying in my coffee. Mrs said to me today, "get over it" lol Oh well!
Jan 24, 5:17am
That's a hell of a lot of money to spend on a 4 door. Still if its a labour of love then I guess it's all worth it.Must be pretty tidy.
Jan 24, 5:23am
Didnt they own a bank or two!
Oct 26, 5:40am
sure. I got two of them. Was going to take one out for a spin tonight but the dam remotes broken.
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