Is there any paint transfer there, or has it just knocked the paint off your car!
If there is transfer I'd grab some cutting compound and clean that off - won't help the dent but should make it less obvious.
As for fixing it properly I personally wouldn't bother but it depends on your parking situation.
Jan 23, 5:13pm
That really sucks! I would get it fixed with Insurance. $400 is properly cheaper than getting painted let alone repaired as well.
Jan 23, 5:17pm
Does the carpark have cameras!
Jan 23, 5:17pm
hi vtec.have added a third pic, up close and personal.
Jan 23, 5:24pm
It really sucks that you will be out of pocket and yes it could happen again the next time you go out. But it might not never happen again as well! If the rest of the car is in tidy condition it is worth fixing. It would piss me off seeing it every time I walked up to the car if left.
Jan 23, 5:24pm
Best to go and get a few quotes from a couple of places, or just look for another bumper on TM or at wreckers. Might end up being cheaper/around $400 mark and you won't have to worry about losing your no claims bonus.
Jan 23, 5:28pm
I bet one or two North Shore panelbeaters could answer that question better than we could!
As far as I can tell from the photos, your car looks like a reasonably nice example of that model.
I don't know how many hundred dollars it's "worth" spending on straightening the bumper on a Jap import 525, but if that was my car and it was $300-$400 to get it looking right I'd probably do it.
Jan 23, 5:37pm
How would you feel if it happened again after you had it fixed!
Unfortunately that is one of the risks of car ownership.
I would polish it out as best I could and then see if it keeps on bugging you.
Jan 23, 5:51pm
Have a chat to Judd and Charles in Target Rd.
Jan 23, 6:31pm
Partly depends on .
How long you want to keep the car. Any car park security camera footage Any other damage Social standing Tight/ easy/ frivolous with your money
Jan 23, 6:37pm
You guys must be joking! $400 to repair! Get one from a wrecker! I'd get that panel and painted here for about $200 I recon. Admitadely I get a great deal as I supply the guys on going work and I know Auckland prices are higher too but it's not worth claiming on insurance. You lose your no-claims bonus too remember. Get some quotes.
Jan 23, 7:22pm
Try Graeme at Mairangi Bay Panel and Paint in Constellation Drive. Probably about $200 or so and he does excellent work.
Jan 23, 7:46pm
Personally I'd just try clean it up the best you can and remove whats left over. It sure is frustrating but unfortunately many people plain don't care. My car got a mark just today in the center of the bumper, not dented much but enough to irritate you. Especially when many of us here try to look after our a cars being petrol heads.
Thanks ringo2 I might look into it, the guy I use to use has recently retired. Just take the bumper off and ill get them to look at it.
Jan 23, 8:07pm
thank you!.have sent Graeme an email with pics :)
(i feel I'm always taking from the message board and not giving back enough - so I'm off to the computing thread to see if I can help someone out :)
Jan 24, 1:49pm
Well, you can tell us where not to park.
Jan 24, 4:06pm
Agreed. Thinners to clean it up, silver on it and try and forget it. Its the sort of job you do when you're about to sell a car.
Jan 24, 4:10pm
carpark above the Albany Mega Centre Mall, outside "The Waiting Bar" chinese restaurant.
Jan 24, 4:14pm
Theres a we bit of work in that but $400 should well and truly cover it.Theres not much of that that will "polish out" Im afraid.
Jan 24, 4:21pm
A bit of sanding with 200grit, some bog and some paint from the local hardware all for less than $50.
Jan 24, 4:23pm
Every time I've thought that I've just made the problem look worse - usually much worse.
Especially on a silver car - even the pros don't always get a particularly good colour match.
Oct 27, 11:03am
Silly bint hit back of my disco& claimed it was my faultas i had ,reverseparked in bay atsupermart , she says the towbar was over the line, & she hit it & bent her bumper in ,reckons I will be hearing from her insurer .Cant repeat what i said to her
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