Currently running 4 barrel Holley carb and having issues with it flooding/starving on uneven terrain, need some suggestions for the following:
Alternative carb solution Possible places who specialise in modification/tuning in Auckland Other suggestions for resolution
In its current capcity it runs a little rich but runs well onroad, not sure if the offroad floats are a worthwhile purchase or if I should cut and run and move to an alternative.
Thanks in advance
Jan 23, 7:02pm
Go to the holley/colt indutries web site. they used to or maybe still do make a special narrow float and chamber for hydroplanes, for the 4 barrel carbs, this minimses the '"bounce"' of the float that opens the needle and seat and stops it from flooding and stalling. they also offer a blanking plate with a hose fitting for the top vent for turbo applications. good luck
Jan 23, 7:22pm
Fuel injection. late model, camaro
Jan 23, 8:21pm
Google CSL Automotive, they do fantastic work. See what he recommends, I'm not a carb specialist.
Jan 23, 8:59pm
Put in an electric fuel pump to feed the carb.
Jan 23, 10:19pm
side mounted or centre mounted floats!, had this issue lots before with the holley carb
Jan 23, 11:19pm
Go LPG. engine will run upside down!
Jan 24, 12:03am
I used a 600 vac secondary on my 327 in a FJ40 for years and years Every angle (except upside down ) it never missed a beat.THE SOLUTION Is a "Float bowl breather whistle".It fits over the float breather tube extending it up towards the top of the bowl.Any good 4x4 out fit should sell them.i can get them through our Hotrod shop but cant promote it on here.If ya can get me your details some how i can help ya Gav
Jan 24, 2:46am
Thanks everyone.
Wellabolla, email me at john-camps at hotmail dot com. Wouldn't mind getting hold of the parts and get some ideas around a suitable fitter.
Jan 24, 3:37am
Chuck it and put on a Carter AFB with the off-road spring-loaded needles kit. But make sure you put a 9600A adaptor between it and the manifold.
Oct 25, 5:09pm
What sort of mods does it have!
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