were they all Nazi's/Gestapo!, me and some guys were talking about some earlier today, anyone have any stories!
Jan 23, 9:12pm
One.s i,ve had dealings with have been the best to deal with'. they areold school, know the rules 'tricks of the trade and not out to power trip or collect for uncle jonny. like new generation coppers
Jan 23, 9:21pm
Used to have a beer with 1 everysaturday till 1 day he pulls me over & tells me the mini is too noisy , hadstraight 2 inch pipe. gave me a ticket as well. Needless to say didnt drink with him anymore. Then had 1 living next door, reckoned he was going to breath test me at mygate 1 night . So made life diffucult for him,playedstereowith speakersfacing his place,had loud parties with bike boysrevinng up theirHD sHe got the message after 3 months & left as was only renting it .
Jan 23, 9:52pm
was one 1970-72, rodetriumph trophy bike during the day, night time if it was wetthe senior traffic officersmk 4 zephyr, that car could really honk but they had a problem with theoil pump drive at about 20000 miles, was a very interesting job, if you really wanted to be an a.hole you could,you were by and large your own boss , on a roster system, took your bike home, it was yours to look after, down side was very little time off, 1day a week if you wre lucky,m.o.t.639
Jan 23, 9:53pm
when we had Traffic cops we had some commen sense to roading enforcement
nows its all about the fines / money
Jan 23, 9:53pm
+ the V3000's were super easy to run from
Jan 23, 10:15pm
Used to be one based in Kawerau (Derek Hinton), he was a right nasty b'stard, most people were sh*t scared to get pulled over by him for some reason ( i never did so have no idea how nasty he was), but yeah lots of folk were scared of him
Jan 23, 10:20pm
Mt Albert Council had thieir own traffic cops. Oneby the name Les Fergusson, who I got my license off. The other was Grey rode a bike.
Met Fegusson some years later when working at Alexandra Park, he was pretty miffed when I attemped to to tell him where he had to park,[ at the time of the '83 Inter dominions] Drove a Mk 2 Zephyr which was pretty much immaculate.
Jan 23, 10:39pm
yeah - Fergie and his off-sider knew all the lurks - called into stormonts for fresh bread (probably o`looked bad parking there) and for a free8o`clock on Sat. nite - those where the days when you sat your car license the day after turning 15 and he said - you learnt awfully quick! - knowing that you`d probably been driving for two years already - m/c licence time I said- arn`t you coming too! and he said not on you nelly - just ride up the road and back and I`ll watch from the safetyof the steps here!
Jan 23, 10:55pm
Racing Ray Williams and his brothers have some great stories to tell!
Generally, the local cop knew the local teenagers and their bikes/cars so it was more of clip round the ear mentality rather than money grabbing, so maybe something else we can blame on the rather precious, PC/wrap 'em in cottonwool, brigade.No one gives a friendly well meaning warningnow, as it doesn't count towards their quota.
Jan 23, 11:19pm
The bully in the Manukau Rd branch used to put his helmet on inside his car when chasing the boys on their bikes! Greenslade, a right prick! Luckily his Mk III Cortina couldn't fit up pathways between streets and we knew where they all were.
Jan 23, 11:25pm
I've heard a story about someone out running one in a bus. And that is 100% true. I truely have been told a story about someone out running one with a bus. Weather the story its self is true I do not know.
Jan 24, 1:49am
We had one here in the 60's that would come every Tuesday for licenses etc,he would get on the whiskey with the owner of Collingwood motors [ now farewell spit Eco tours ] you would see the old Black and White heading back to Motueka after 5pm all over the road .lol.those were the days .lol.he was very well known He took me for my motorcycle license in the 60's also,funny as even then.when i went for my ride he said just ride to the hospital and back[ Collingwood ] i can see you from here,which i did,while he and his mate got on it, got back said good ride you have passed .the same licence i have today .lol.
Jan 24, 3:05am
went for my motor bike lie in 1980 mot cop said to me are you so and so's boy, i said yes and he said ok i have seen you riding, didnt have to do anyriding to get my bike lie, been riding bikes ever since here and in aussie never had a bad mishap, they had some sence in those days unless you pissed them off
Jan 24, 3:10am
Nah some were pretty good.
I was a young lad who used to drive them home after they got pissed at my mates dads house (No licence I might add).
Good sorts.Though if they caught me driving at other times they would have put the boot in.
I wanted to be one, applied just before they were assimilated. Did not want to be a cop.
Jan 24, 3:35am
He was OK, it was only his really bad breath that no-one liked.
Jan 24, 4:45am
Was pulled up one morning on the way to work on my Norton 650SS for doing about 40 mph in town by a cop on a Norton Mercury 650 (the single carb version ).Told him the bike didn't like 30 in top (4th) gear but was a bit noisy in 3rd and I was running a bit late anyway.He said, "Yeah, that's why we get the single carb one, they're more docile round town."Then he told me about how the Triumph Saints could only do about 95 with the cop fairing on them and how they slowed down noticeably in pursuit when you triggered the siren as it drove off the wheel like a push-bike dynamo ! While we were talking a number of my workmates drove past pointing and laughing and he said he'd better let me get moving as he'd made me late enough. I said, "Yeah, well the boss will know from these tooting clowns what's happeninganyway." He said, " Where do you work !" I told him and he cracked up ."Hey I worked there before I started this job, just tell Warren that Rollie pulled you up !"So no ticket, a bit of a chat about bikes, as you do, and I headed off and he called out, "And slow down a bit ! " and waved .Got pulled up heaps of times but never got a ticket.Never met one at the roadside I wouldn't have bought a beer for - and would've saved enough on not getting tickets to have bought a few rounds. Common sense really, don't try to be a smart b.d when they pull you up, it's probably because you asked for it !
Jan 24, 5:05am
Went for my motorcycle licence at the Manuka rd MOT in 1971 riding my 58 T100. The cop asked me to ride around a few cones in the car park, a task I failed miserably. When I suggested he jump on the bike and demonstrate how it should be done he agreed that it was an impossible request and issued me with my licence on the spot. I??
Jan 24, 9:14pm
Bike Boys in upper hutt dealt to 1he was a pure a -holealways pulling themoverfor checks . One day whilefew were inin the clubs ute he pulled along side ( on hism bike ) & the drivers door suddenly flew open & knocked him off . He got the message
Jan 24, 9:52pm
So there wasn't much difference between them :P
Jan 24, 10:14pm
Sat my HT in Tolaga Bay early seventues on friday morn [thats when the gizzy T/O came to town and all the old dungas didn't], Drove round the block and he said "back into that driveway son" which I did, then he said " switch it off son "which I did , then we went into that house for a cuppa and biscuits. Back to the station to do the paperwork for the license only to get a letter a month later telling me 17 was too young haha, didnt matter when we did the paperwork and didnt matter when I had a bit of a bender with another car either, those were the days huh.
Jan 24, 10:26pm
Look at the cops id # prefix, and if it starts with an E. he is an old MOT cop often refered to as an Ernie.
Jan 24, 11:23pm
guys come to dannevirke we have an international police museum here,,, haha ironic really cause it used to be a whore house for all of a week or so. mind you the cops would know there way around it anyway from there nightly inspections
Jan 25, 1:08am
did the 3 month course in 1985 to be a traffic cop. One sent home due to marijuana being found in his dorm. Was told by the supervisor not to tell the press about it. Another went home due to being a mummies boy and lonely, another went home due to incompetence etc etc. Out of the 26 that started, 19 made it.
Jan 25, 12:35pm
with my job,i gotto know heaps of them all over the country,during 60s-70s-80s,90`s mostly good guys, the odd prick, but usually helpful.
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