Hi My 91 Dimante, which has stood in the shed for a year or so, started 2nd crank over, but the accelerator goes up and down and the engine won't rev - like the cable is broke, but I think it has a TPS so what is the most likly problem - if there is such a question! Could it be just a crook electrical connection! there are a multitude of sensors and connectors in and around the engine, one may have corroded. might undo them one at a time and spray with CRC 2-26, would that do any harm! Next stop auto elekie. Thanks
Jan 27, 4:24am
when the engine is running, are you able to manually increase the throttle via the throttle body! you should be able to see where the throttle cable attaches to the wheel.
Jan 28, 12:59am
Hi Phillip, had another lokkie today and I can see where the cables go and eventually tried the cable on the engine and turned that - nothing, engine stayed at idle. So what does this mean! Is the TPS attached to where the cable "goes", if so I would tthink that the TPS is crook or is it not speaking to the engine 'puter and thus not accelerating the motor! Thanks for any further advice. Brian
Jan 28, 5:55am
the TPS is on the other side of the throttle body shaft opposite the throttle cable - a little black device about the diameter of a 50c coin and perhaps about 10-20mm thick. It should have a 4 wire connector going to it. If the TPS is faulty the ECU would recognise the fault and display the check engine warning lamp. In my experience when a TPS goes faulty on a Mitsubishi, the engine should still rev because the ECU still can rely on the data from the air flow meter. Are you able to remove the air intake pipe from the throttle body and verify that the throttle plate opens when you actuate the throttle! does it make a popping/hissing or backfiring noise, or any change in engine note when you give it some throttle!
Jan 30, 12:43am
Hi Phillip, Found the TPS and the cables do work and the "check engine" is alight. When you turn the accelerator there is no popping or hissing or backfiring - nothing the engine note hardly changes, there maybe a slight increase in RPM, say 200 but really nothing. Would replacing the TPS achieve anything! or is it deaper and more complex! Thanks for the advice. Brian
Jan 30, 1:15am
The butterfly is stuck - take the boot off and free by hand. Used to be fairly common with those old dohc engines.
Jan 31, 11:19pm
Ladatrouble - Nah butterfly operating as it should, mind you I hadn't thought of that and was a possiblity, thanks for the responce. Brian
Feb 1, 12:04am
well if the check engine is alight then the first thing you would want to do is check for fault codes - that would most likely give the answer as to what is wrong.
Feb 1, 12:05am
With a Mitsi of that age you can simply check the fault codes by using an LED (make sure it's a 12V one or one with an appropriate step down resistor) or an analogue multimeter. Perhaps even a low power piezo buzzer may work but I had more success with the LED over the buzzer. If you let me know your e-mail address I can send a PDF with instructions and the trouble code list to your inbox.
Feb 1, 12:21am
try backing the band that holds the intake to the throttle body, have been told of similar problems caused by the band being to tight and causing the throttle body to warp thus causing the plate to jam. or try rev it up with the intake removed copletly the ECU will log a air flow meter code bt this will be able to be cleared by dissconecting the battery
Feb 6, 12:37am
Hi Phillip. W thanks for that, it may be very helpful mail = purds at inspire dot net dot nz, look forward to trying something that could work - thanks again - Brian
Feb 6, 4:04am
Ok cool will fire it through tomorrow as have just landed back into nz tonight
Feb 6, 10:35pm
Thanks Phillip will look forward to getting the info - Brian
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