Holy Tennis Balls Batman.

neville48, May 23, 6:47am
http://www.youtube.com/watch!v=0NEZlpdzrB4&feature=relatedis this true,am i missing something here, surely not.etc etc.

nz2293, May 23, 6:51am
yeah na!

gunhand, May 23, 6:51am
I can see how that would work on a nice new car with slick smooth locks etc but may be different once they get gumed up and bentand old lol. But hey when ya stuck ya try anything

skin1235, May 23, 7:24am

ryanm2, May 23, 7:31am
Are you an idiot! Of course it would never work.

gunhand, May 23, 7:40am
Did you just call me an idiot! care to elaborate im not quite sure what your getting at.

mrfxit, May 23, 7:42am

un_known, Mar 25, 9:18am
how stupid do they think people are they even gave the trick away at the start by using the remote