Torana/Sunbird which was originally 4cyl and you have changed it to 202. Straight bolt-in swap no mods.
Jan 27, 10:52pm
The 6cyl was a factory option on these cars and it is an easy bolt-in swap. I thought they used same brakes etc and only changed the motor/box/diff. Bugger.
Jan 27, 11:00pm
this is one of those situations that yes in theory it needs cert but chances are you would never have a problem if you didnt get one, like you said it will just look factory
Jan 27, 11:03pm
Need cert.
Jan 27, 11:46pm
Technically will need cert but depending on your WOF issuer and how observant/lenient he is you may get away without it.
Jan 28, 12:22am
Yeah but wouldnt it be down on paper somewhere or on database etc that its meant to be 4cyl! Spose if the wof checker is having one of those days or real flatout then might get away with it. Rather keep it all legit though.
Jan 28, 12:35am
depends on the wof issuer. changed out a 2.0e VL 6 cyl engine for a rb30 block and twin cam head. issuer didn't think it had a significant increase in performance by changing the head, and the VL came factory with 3.0.
Jan 28, 1:18pm
The sixs and eights have a different stud patten and bigger brakes & master cycinder,also a heavier diff
Jan 28, 1:44pm
Cert for sure if you ever want a legit wof that stands up to an accident insurance claim. As a general rule .The bodys with bigger motors had . Extra spot welding on the panels. Some panels were a thicker grade Extra spot welding on the chassis rails Bigger brakes Different stud patterns (but never noticed it with the Torana/Sunbird series) unless it was just the v8's that had a different stud patteren.
All of the 5 stud Torana/Sunbird series I have been around, have had the same 4cyl 5 stud pattern I suspect it was the v8 that had the HQ stud pattern but .can't be sure.
A lot of the factory mods depends on which year/ model you are comparing to , with which other year/model even with identical models.
Jan 28, 2:15pm
6 & 8 had different stud pattern.realyyyyy!
Jan 28, 2:25pm
Always wondered why my sunbirds had different stud patterns to my HQ-HZs when they use the same running gear.
Jan 28, 7:18pm
So you don't cert it. You have a prang whereyou hit some innocent persons XR9. Your insurance co says FO. What then!
Or are you one of these people that parades the roads without insurance and isn't really bothered about the other 95% of us!
Jan 28, 9:44pm
Calm down tiger, Im only asking a question here to see if anyone here has done this particular swap and encountered the cert process and if so, what was the outcome. Dont take your past experiences out on me.
Jan 28, 10:15pm
1 5 stud patten for the 4 cylinder and a different 5 stud patten that was the same for the 6&8. Have a look on your macthbox cars lol
Jan 29, 2:18am
damm, my matchbox cars went west many moons ago.would've been worth money nowadays too! ahhh I understand what you were trying to say - thought you meant 6&8 torana stud pattern were different stud pattern to the 4 cyl from same model. BTW, are todays modern matchbox cars that detailed!
Jan 29, 2:39am
The LH/LX/UC Toranas and Sunbirds 4, 6 or 8 cyl all had the same stud pattern, which was the same pattern they used on the F E thru to the HG Holdens 5x 4.25 inch , and was also used on the 4 cyl commodores.
Jan 29, 5:00pm
If the conversion is anything like the Holden 4cyl to 6 cyl implants I have done there are different diff ratios to consider and drive shaft length. It will rev its head off I suspect. Check the diff ratio 1st and drive shaft length.
Jan 29, 6:38pm
do brake test : something like 3x 100kph-0 stops in 5 mins, if memory serves me is main worry, was there need to fabricate/alter gearbox/engine mounts! or was OEM stuff used there too is next most important question
Jan 29, 6:50pm
this is right.swap diff head to to a 3.08or 3.36 too. I done one a while back and when WOF guy asked why it wasa4 cylinder on papers, I just saidit must have been converted when new.
Jan 29, 8:46pm
The 4cyl toranas/sunbirds had different front cross members.The L34 torana's had HQ-WB/Chev stud pattern all other torans/sunbirds were 4cyl commodore pattern even the v8s. Depending on what model torana/sunbird you have,the diff will be either a banjo or small salisbury depending on year.You cant interchangediffs as mounts are different in the lh and lx compared to the UC.Ratios are harder to change in the uc as the head does not just bolt in and out like the banjos,but changes from the rear . The later uc used a different sized brake master cylinder as well.I have never heard of any of the 8 or 6 models using extra thick guage metal.There were rumours that certain race cars were built one night by using light wieght thin guage steel.Apparently for an extra edge on the competition the team took a truckload of steel to the panel stamping part of the factory and got light panels done late at night.
And yep cert needed,but try your luck anyways,most places wont know the differenc.Just in case put a 2ltr sticker on your rocker cover or air cleaner.
Jan 29, 9:07pm
a real give away will be checking the build codes and chassis number under the bonnet as to what it was from O/E
Jan 30, 3:51pm
Only reason I asked the question was because I had my eye on a Sunbird that was factory 4cyl but had the fuel inj 202 running gear put in it and the seller didnt know for sure if it needed cert. I couldnt say for sure as the ones Ive owned were either factory 6cyl or from way back before cert process came in. I remember a cousin having one with chev 350 in it, blew the socks off another cousins corvette! There were definitely some interesting swaps done back in the day but some were downright deadly so Im not knocking the cert process.
Jan 30, 4:51pm
Still might be worth getting and certing it,if thats the combo you are after!Theres the odd bargain torana comming up on TM lately.I have had a few 6 and 8 torana/sunbirds and reckon the sunbird is the better car to start with due to handbrake,trans tunnel being bigger,RTS,just the ugly tail lights are a put off lol. Chevs do go well in them,one of mine had a 400 sb in it,which went well in a straight line.
Nov 21, 8:03pm
Would have been a good score for sure as non-rusty aussie cars are hard to come by (the other standard factory extra lol), but that one just sold. Oh well, thats what happens when you have more projects sitting round then cash.
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