I just bought a car off trademe. I paid $2800 for it (Mazda Eunos 800 1997) In the auction they stated that it had a bad water pump but they had had it fixed, we went and picked it up and on he way home noticed that the motor was 'missing' - had dead spots. The next day we put some fuel cleaner in and went for a 20 min drive. The car completely overheated and we had to be towed back to town. Turns out that it needs both head gaskets replaced and is completely un-drivable. Do I have any rights here or am I stuck with this lemon! I feel that there might be irreversible damage to the engine and there is no way we can afford to have it fixed, drive it, or sell it on in this condition. It was a private seller, not a dealership, and in fairness I should mention the sellers have offered $600 towards repairs, but the repairs might be as much as $2500. I do hope someone can give me some advice.
Jan 28, 4:54pm
Seems few claims made wrt the quality of it. Also, the advert suggests that you get it inspected prior to purchase, what did that inspection show!
Jan 28, 4:54pm
Did you test drive it before you bought it!
Jan 28, 4:57pm
Its buyer beware unfortunately with private car sales. I would grab the $600 and be thankful for that.
Jan 28, 5:04pm
I thought as much, they said it was a quality car and said about the water pump. I couldn't test drive it as I am on medical bed rest and let them know that in an email. Thanks for all of the tips and advice though.
So you bought it withOUT an experts inspection and withOUT a test drive of any sort!
If this is the case then quite frankly your questions on here are quite pointless.
Jan 28, 5:18pm
Thank you to everyone for your helpful and friendly advice.
Jan 28, 5:24pm
mechanics always just point the the head gasket when the car over heats. how about what cause the head gasket to go if it did, so you may have to take that into account aswell
Jan 28, 5:26pm
Thanks make_a_bid. Looks like we don't have many rights but we do have some and maybe covered under the consumers act as we used the buy now button. I will mention to the mechanic about the cause of the head gaskets blowing when we take the car in.
Jan 28, 5:38pm
you dont buy any mitsubishi anything v6 and no mazda eunos and no toyota enemas . and cavalier. thats a short list of what to never buy.
Jan 28, 5:51pm
Yep, and any old Subarus, like 250T or turbo Legacy / Impreza.
Jan 28, 5:55pm
wowl-in the REAL world the cga only applies to reputable DEALERS. You really did yourself no favours buying a car with a known issue sight unseen
Jan 28, 5:58pm
There were many leading remarks toward a history of care and quality even with the use of the word "pristine" and comments regards its upkeep. there were no references to suggest you need to get an inspection prior to purchase at all. It sounds like a good ,honest advert for a good honest car. Note the use of the word "honest". It seems to be that we cannot rely on that any more or can we! I have bought many cars sight unseen from USA and have relied on "honesty" and have received just that. I have also bought in Enzed relying on "honesty"and received just that. Did this whole scenario start when the water pump was replaced because of !, did the presiding mechanic advise the owners to move it on after that or ! or was it all just coincidence. My point is that you should still be able to rely on "honesty" as a major part of writing and reading any advert for a motor vehicle for sale.
Jan 28, 6:04pm
You have comeback on the pre-purchase inspection company you used.
Jan 28, 6:25pm
Unfortunately I couldn't take it for a test drive or get an inspection before hand as I am on medical bed rest due to a pregnancy complication. I advised the sellers of this in a email prior to purchase, and I guess I was just relying on their honesty. I did realise I would be giving up some rights by doing this before I bought the car. I now have come to see just how stupid I was. I'm not expecting a miracle of any kind. I have sent an email asking if they will just take the car back and give me a partial refund. But I am fully aware that they don't have to.
Jan 28, 6:43pm
well the head gasket obviously blew because the car had a leaking water pump and the owners drove it til it cooked itself.
Jan 28, 6:47pm
What does 'honest' mean!"Reasonably honest", "extremely honest", "100% honest". we all have a different understanding of that adjective.
The WAS a suggestion the a pre-purchase inspection be obtained - read the advert again Neville.In any event, anyone buying a car from their sick-bed without having first sighting the car deserves a heap of grief. Rather like marrying someone without seeing her first.
Jan 28, 7:02pm
This is the ad.
*1997 Mazda Eunos 800 *1 owner since imported *Regular all round servicing (including transmission) Timing belt and water pump recently renewed. *Stereo,tape deck & CD player. *Dedicated driving lights & tow bar. *Adjustable steering column (both flight and height. *Some minor (bumper) paintwork abrasion.
A quality car with pristine interior that has never been exposed to children
Reason for sale - elderly couple has downsized to a residence where this car doesn't fit garage.
Jan 28, 7:10pm
Keep going and tell us all what is written below that.
Jan 28, 7:11pm
Best to just take the $600 and cut your losses. You bought a 15 year old Mazda unseen without atleast a mechanical inspection. If I ever had to buy a 15 year old Mazda, I would go over it with a magnifying glass. Worst case scenario, you just have to live with and learn from this expensive mistake.
Jan 28, 7:14pm
Thanks trdbzr
Jan 28, 7:15pm
Take what you can get from the 0riginal owners, if they give you a refund all good if not just take the $600. Your fault sorry. Buyer beware. Car sounded good. Did you check the water when it started missing!.
Jan 28, 7:26pm
What difference will that make! A blown head gasket is a blown head gasket regardless of the cause, either way = lots of $$$$. Besides, these things should only be investigated if the client wants the POS repaired + you won't know what the heads are like until they get removed and checked out. But, as a rule, a head gasket repair will include a replacement of a head gasket set, cylinder head check over / machining, water pump, cambelt replacement, a radiator rod out and maybe a thermostat.
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