Wev'e just had a spate of folks coming in telling us about another dealership offering big prices for their cars as trade ins. The ol $5000 minimum trade trickwith a twist. Ie they have high prices on the CIN cardsand lower prices on the window stickers. Cash price is on the window.The big trade is based on the Cin card price They just really don't seem to understand thatthe change over figure--how much money they pay for the new car is a heap more than elsewhere. They are stuck on the $6000 being paid for their 1994 mitzi galant. To the point today one said person said my 2ktrade in figure was a "rip off" cos the guys down the road offered $5995 Hmm --$14000-$5000 = $9000 But wait $8995 -$1995= $6995 They still diddn't get it.
Ohh and yep-same car/year//milage.
Jan 29, 10:29pm
Wev'e just had a spate of folks coming in telling us about another dealership offering big prices for their cars as trade ins. The ol $5000 minimum trade trickwith a twist. Ie they have high prices on the CIN cardsand lower prices on the window stickers. Cash price is on the window.The big trade is based on the Cin card price They just really don't seem to understand thatthe change over figure--how much money they pay for the new car is a heap more than elsewhere. They are stuck on the $6000 being paid for their 1994 mitzi galant. To the point today one said person said my 2ktrade in figure was a "rip off" cos the guys down the road offered $5995 Hmm --$14000-$5000 = $9000 But wait $8995 -$1995= $6995 They still diddn't get it.
Ohh and yep-same car/yeear/milage
Jan 29, 10:33pm
a slight tangent but.
I actually got the dealer I bought my car from to increase the price on the window sticker of the car I wanted and to correspondingly increase what he gave me for my trade.
any guesses why! :)
Jan 29, 10:34pm
Because you were buying a company car and trading in your personal car!
Jan 29, 10:35pm
To increase your deposit.
Jan 29, 10:36pm
ok, i'll answer cos I don't want to ambush kazbanz' thread.im interested in what people say on his original topic.
answer - so the missus didn't give me so much grief about the bath I took on the car I traded :)ok, as you were.
Jan 29, 10:37pm
Are you a dairy farmer and trying to offset the massive profit you made this financial!
Jan 29, 10:37pm
Im interested to see what others think too.
Jan 29, 10:54pm
Thats dodgy as man.
Jan 29, 10:55pm
oh oh lemme guess. starts with E ends with E and sells rubbish
Jan 29, 10:55pm
I makes it look a more favourable deal to the finance company doesn't it!
Jan 29, 10:56pm
Thats one place but nope a bit more local to me -
Jan 29, 10:58pm
That depends- Finance co's aint stupid --HMM so the car is worth $14995 is it! Hmm yet everywhere else the most expensive example is $9995 --Theres a name for that kinda deal that hydrolink use regularly
Jan 29, 11:05pm
Nup, can't think of it. So many rubbish dealers turning up again.
Jan 29, 11:17pm
Hydrolicking, which although illegal I have yet to see a dealer convicted. About time some were IMO.
Jan 29, 11:24pm
You're asking too much of people man, be reasonable. Common sense and basic financial abilities is a huge ask for most of the general population.
Jan 30, 12:09am
I've said that so many times its not funny. As long as you compare apples with apples, its the "Changeover price" that matters, not whatever they offer you. Stevo
Jan 30, 2:18am
Pfft - as long as they can say "Fanks, Instant Finance", what do they care!
Jan 30, 1:37pm
At least one crowd have losat finance facilities I'm told
Jan 30, 1:43pm
So tell your clever customers to go down the road and sell their galant to that dealer for $5995 and to come back to you to buy the cheaper upgrade you have waiting for them.
They'll soon figure out what its all about.
I'd say the other dealership has worked out a very good hook and you just need to be smarter and have your counter hook ready!
Nov 21, 3:43am
Always asucker just around the corner .The boss saidgotta shift them cars
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