hi there my son has got a 91 bg5 familia with the b5 motor now can we bolt a turbo to this with out changing anything else thanks
Jan 30, 2:23am
It's no where near as simple as that.
Jan 30, 2:38am
You'll have to get it re-complied. And while yer at it, get him measured up for a pine box.
Jan 30, 6:22am
Just sell it and buy a turbo model.
Jan 30, 12:43pm
What a stupid thing to say.
Jan 30, 1:00pm
Fact of life. Souped up car + young fella = bad outcome. Don't you read the papers of watch what's going on out there!
Jan 30, 3:36pm
Bollocks. My three boys are still alive, and they`ve all had substantially more powerful than a turbo Familia.
Jan 30, 3:43pm
non turbo nissan!
Jan 30, 3:58pm
So let me get this right. Every single young fella with a powerful car has died! Media must have missed a few of them then.
Jan 30, 4:27pm
Just because some drivers are poor does not mean everyone is. Kettle black much.
Nov 21, 4:50pm
Your comprehension and reasoning skills would be about equal.
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