1973 ESKA 5HP

chev-craig, Jan 31, 9:20am
does anybody know who or where i could find parts for these little outboard engines, its a oldie but a good basic little engine which has brought many after many good hours trout fishingan i dont want to park it up in the shead. all i need is an impeller. HELP

shane.64, Jan 31, 9:43am
Try these guys they helped out out with some old partsDavid Ogden

Powerboat Centre Marlborough Ltd.

jenny188, Jan 31, 10:05am
Asking around for you. These were sold via hardware shops in early to mid 70's and were supposed do do Seagull out of business. Models I think below 3 1/2 hp were still air cooled!

jenny188, Jan 31, 10:13am
The Power Heads were all manufactured by Tecumseh (Tec) Engines. These Power Heads were all Air Cooled, except the 9.9 through 15 horsepower Twin Cylinders. Most all of the Eska outboards had water cooled exhaust columns using rubber impeller.

Maybe try N.Z. Tecumseh agents!

jenny188, Feb 6, 4:28am
Just been talking to an outboard mechanic in Waihi. If you really stuck he can look further into it for you. A lot of smaller motors have very similar and interchangeable impellers. The dimensions will be needed and then matched. Key-ways can be reground to match as required . Some Merc's and Johnson/ Evinrudes are in fact fully interchangable . As your motor is American made it's quiet likely matchable to one of those. Take your impeller into the local marine shop, and ask them. If you have problems, post again and I will get back to you.

paul756, Dec 14, 10:01am
ebay best place for american outboard parts allso google it and you will be suprised at what is still around